Diplomats are fleeing the famine in North Korea and embassies have been left empty. Russians complain about harsh conditions in Pyongyang


Russian diplomats in North Korea are increasingly dissatisfied with the “severe conditions” they find themselves in due to anti-coronavirus measures that have completely isolated the country from the rest of the world.

In a statement Thursday, the Russian embassy in Pyongyang said that the country’s diplomats face an acute shortage of essential goods and that there is currently a mass exodus of foreign diplomats, according to The Moscow Times.

The embassies in Pyongyang are empty PHOTO: Facebook / Russian Embassy in Pyongyang

“Leaving the North Korean capital is justified, as not everyone can cope with the unprecedented severity of restrictions, acute shortages of essential goods, including medicines, and lack of opportunities to treat their health problems. “.”, Is specified in the statement from the Embassy, ​​specifying that part of its personnel also left due to the numerous problems.

In an unprecedented decision earlier this year, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a video showing a group of Russian diplomats and their families making a dramatic exit from North Korea with the curtains.

According to a senior Moscow diplomat who was aware of the problem, the Foreign Ministry published images that were widely distributed on social media to raise the alarm about how the North Korean government treats Russian diplomats.

“Russia does not like to draw attention to North Korea in this way, but was very dissatisfied with the harsh treatment of its citizens.” There is a real shortage of food and medicine, so it was decided to make a statement by posting the video. “The diplomat told The Moscow Times.

North Korea was one of the first countries to close its borders due to Covid-19 and impose strict trade restrictions with China and neighboring Russia, which have a high economic cost for the country. The Russian Foreign Ministry previously said that Russian diplomats could not leave their homes due to very strict restrictions.

According to a recent report from the World Health Organization (WHO), North Korea reported zero cases of Covid-19 after March 18.

In a Facebook post, the Russian Embassy in Pyongyang posted photos of empty foreign embassies in the North Korean capital, stating that fewer than 290 foreign nationals and only nine ambassadors remained in North Korea.

We wish our colleagues in the Pyongyang diplomatic corps, with whom we have become particularly close and friendly in the harsh months of restrictions due to the coronavirus, a happy return to their countries.it says in the message.

Publisher: DC
