Digi24 experiment. Not to mention the tablets in “red writing” schools. Mayor: “We have nothing!”


Thousands of students across the country are at risk of not being able to learn anything in the first two weeks of school! They just don’t get away with it! In 43 locations in Romania, the school will start on September 14 exclusively online! The Ministry of Health has made public the list of localities where the disease rate reported in the last 14 days is higher than 3 per thousand inhabitants, that is, the “red” scenario for schools in those localities. There are 22 counties where some of the students will study exclusively online for the first two weeks of school.

It’s just that in many of these communes or even cities, online school seems like a utopia given that students have nothing to learn from. They don’t have tablets, laptops, or phones. Those promised by the government did not arrive, schools and municipalities have no money to buy them and parents cannot afford to pay a few hundred lei for these devices now.

In turn, we took several locations from the list of 43 where students will not be able to physically come to school. We spoke with mayors or school principals and we did not find any locality, one of those where he managed to speak with someone who has tablets for all the students! Furthermore, in a town in Caraş-Severin County, out of 100 students in a school, 80 do not have a tablet and have applied for it! In another village in Dâmbovița county, in the entire primary school, grades I-IV are taught only … 7 students! And no one has a tablet or laptop, and the mayor says he expects a miracle this week!

In Buzau county, at the Cernătești school, almost 20 children are waiting for this device. Authorities say they have no money to buy them and the children will manage as they did in the spring, with improvisations. They will even use teachers’ laptops or, in the case of large families, they will learn from several siblings on the same device.

In Moțăieni, in Dâmbovița, the 7 students in grades I-IV are waiting for a tablet, but the mayor says that he has nowhere to buy them and that he will keep pushing and this week, maybe he can get them.

In contrast, the mayor of Vălișoara, Hunedoara County, first questions the locality’s classification in the “red” area. It says that the DSP reported 5 active cases in a population of just over 1,100 inhabitants, but, in fact, of the 5 people, only 3 would be in quarantine. And of the other two, one has no symptoms. As for tablets, the mayor hopes to get at least 15-20 in the next 3 weeks, although it takes 47!

This is the situation in only a few of the 43 locations where students will study online. We no longer take into account the schools included in the “yellow” scenario, which also involves online education, alternatively with the classical one!
