Diet with anticoagulant effect


Irregular heartbeat, that is, atrial fibrillation, birth defects, and surgery predispose to the formation of blood clots, which can cause strokes. In addition to medications prescribed by your doctor, some foods have a role in thinning the blood. The amount of these foods must be determined by a specialist, otherwise the blood may become too thin.

Foods rich in vitamin E.

By having antioxidant properties, soluble vitamin E has the role of preventing thickening of the blood. Cold pressed vegetable oils such as sunflower, olive or grape, oats, chickpeas, walnuts, almonds and spinach are foods rich in vitamin E that should not be missing in the diet of people with problems cardiovascular.

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Fatty fish

Tuna, salmon and mackerel are fish that are high in Omega-3 essential fatty acids. At least 2 servings of fatty fish a week is enough to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition to reducing triglycerides and blood pressure, Omega-3 acids have anticoagulant properties and are recommended for those with atherosclerosis.

Magnesium for blood vessels.

Bananas, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, whole grains, and dark chocolate are all sources of magnesium. This mineral helps reduce bad cholesterol and thus protects blood vessels, which regain their elasticity, reducing the risk of stroke.


Although best known for relieving nausea, researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center in the United States have found that ginger can prevent blood clots. Added to the preparations or consumed in the form of tea, it protects the blood vessels and therefore prevents cardiovascular diseases and strokes. At the same time, ginger contains salicin, the main component of aspirin, recommended for heart patients. Other recommended spices to thin the blood are onions, garlic, and horseradish.

Good to know

Red wine contains resveratrol, a substance with a role in thinning the blood, preventing platelet fixation, the cells involved in the formation of blood clots. The ideal amount is 1 glass of red wine a day.

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Advice from the specialist

Dr. Mădălina Abagiu, Resident Internal Medicine Physician, Polisano Clinic, Sibiu

Foods that increase the viscosity of the blood and can cause blood clots are mainly rich in vitamin K. On the other hand, it prevents calcification of the arteries and provides protection against cancer of the liver, bones and prostate.

These include vegetables like green beans and berries, green peas, raw carrots, raw celery, cabbage, boiled cauliflower, pickles, and tomatoes. In the category of foods that should be eaten in moderation are also prunes, yogurt, healthy and kefir, as well as spices: oregano, black pepper, dried thyme and dried bush.

Find out what your diet is that changes your metabolism HERE.
