Did FCSB and Gigi Becali hide other cases of coronavirus? Controversial revelations, live on television: “We have two, what do we do?”


  • PSGMetz (Wednesday, time 22:00, Digi Sport 1)

  • BotosaniSpark – spark (Thursday, now 18:45, Digi Sport 1)

Toni Petrea, Thomas neubert, Yellow elbow, Sorin Cristof, Bogdan stoica, Marius Ianuli and Andrei Miron they found SARS-CoV-2. All are asymptomatic and immediately go into isolation, in accordance with current regulations.

Conspiracy theory ?! “Do you know at which clinic the FCSB team tests are performed?”

Live on Digi Sport Special, journalist Decebal Rădulescu made an unexpected revelation.

“About a month ago, I had information about the fact that a man on the FCSB staff is infected. And they want to keep this story hidden. “said the journalist.

“It might bother you, but that’s the truth. Do you know in which clinic the FCSB team tests are done? I’ll tell you. It’s Mr. George Becali’s clinic. Do you think Mr. Becali doesn’t advertise there? ‘ We have two (not – infected), what do we do? ‘ It’s a test, it came, it did.

Don’t put it on the team schedule. You take it out. As it was then, they were lucky that others did not catch it. They removed the man from staff. But now there were probably quite a few. You can’t play with that “said Decebal Rădulescu.

“Maybe a Voluntari player gets infected and have a grandfather, go home …”

“I don’t care what people do. Be healthy. But don’t get others involved in this story, if that’s the rule. Maybe a Voluntari player will catch it and have a grandfather, go home .. That is the only thing, otherwise it is everyone’s business.

I do my job. I start with the presumption of innocence. I say what I discovered and what I heard “added Decebal Rădulescu.

Ilie Dumitrescu, present in the study, participated in the discussion.

“One thing is certain in this complicated period in which we live. You should report if anything positive is found. You risk otherwise, a lot. I don’t know what the consequences are, I don’t think it’s just a fine “said “Mystery”.

Tags: ilie dumitrescu , andrei miron , decebal radulescu , COVID-19 , backa poplar-fcsb , fcsb coronavirus
