Diana Șoșoacă came to the “Marius Nasta” Institute and caused a scandal, demanding the resignation of Vlad Voiculescu


Senator Diana Șoșoacă, recently returned from the Jiu Valley, where she wanted to show her solidarity with the striking miners, appeared on Sunday night in the courtyard of the “Matei Balş” Institute, where the Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu came from. incident that massively mobilized the fire risk intervention teams.

The Minister of Health had just made a statement, along with the manager of the Marius Nasta Institute, Beatrice Mahler, and Colonel Șchiopu of ISU Bucharest-Ilfov about the incident at the ATI mobile unit in the hospital courtyard, a minor incident, which caused a “great scare”, as the minister said. Intervention teams were alerted by medical personnel that they saw a flame followed by smoke in the ATI mobile unit, but it appears that it was only “smoke or vapor” in the air conditioning unit of the medical truck. Firefighters have yet to find anything suspicious and will continue their investigation.

However, the incident comes after two fires in the intensive care units of COVID hospitals (in Piatra Neamț and in “Matei Balș” in Bucharest) caused the death of several dozen patients in just a few months and showed deficiencies. The obsolete infrastructure of the Romanian Hospital System.

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Senator Diana Șoșoacă appears in the courtyard of the “Marius Nasta” Institute Photo: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea

Diana Șoșoacă to Vlad Voiculescu: “You want to sell the hospitals!”

“How many more people have to die for you to resign? Tell me! You are the Minister of Health for the second time! It is my right! You are called!” Intervened Senator Diana Șoșoacă, recently excluded from the AUR group, leading to Vlad Voiculescu at the door of the hospital, where the minister was surrounded by the press.

“You don’t have the common sense to resign! 22 dead in Matei Balș Hospital and so far he has not resigned. People demand your resignation,” shouted Diana Șoșoacă. The senator wears a protective mask and records all the time with her phone and make live pe Facebook.

“I called you many times and you did not have the decency to respond to the requests of the Romanian people! How do you feel when you see people die under your leadership? Is it true that these fires are used to deprive the Romanian health system? Do you already have plans to sell hospitals in Romania and privatize them? “- Senator Șoșoacă continued her tirade, as Minister Voiculescu headed towards the car.

Alteration with bodyguards

At one point, the senator got angry because someone on duty tried to stop her from advancing in the hospital courtyard: “Hi, I’m a senator! Get your hands off me! It’s not allowed, get your hand off me! This is abuse of power! Put your hands on me, because you are not allowed to touch me! Put aside that you have my word that you will suffer what will happen to a man who opposes a dignitary! ”Șoșoacă threatened.

“What is it that you Romanian bodyguards ended up killing people in the streets? You are sorry for yourself,” says Diana Șoșoacă and then starts talking to the press.

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The director of the Marius Nasta Institute, Beatrice Mahler (right), comes to speak with Senator Diana Șoșoacă and invites her to visit the ATI section Photo: Octav Ganea / Inquam Photos

Saving appearance of manager Beatrice Mahler

At one point, the senator is greeted by the manager of the Institute “Marius Nasta”, Beatrice Mahler, who asks him where the minister is, complains about the bodyguards and then asks him to tell what happened on Sunday night in ” Marius Nasta “. and that it is always intensive care units for COVID patients.

Calmly, the manager explains and then invites the senator to come see. However, the senator returns to the problem she had with the bodyguards who suddenly wanted her and did not want to leave her in the hospital courtyard, and the manager assures her that no such order was given and apologizes.

Before reaching the ATI mobile section, the senator had a discussion with journalists who wanted to know why she does not wear a mask. He invoked various articles of the law and told them that he had been in the COVID wards and that he had not gotten sick.

When he got close to the ATI mobile unit, the manager asked the press to leave and assured reporters that he would speak to the senator. It is the moment when Diana Șoșoacă also assumes that she is not allowed to film inside and interrupts her live on Facebook.

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Editor: Luana Pavaluca
