DESPERATION hits the political scene: GOLD leaders announce that they have been contacted by PNL and PSD to form majorities – News from sources


The Alliance for the Union of Romanians has already been contacted for negotiations by both PSD and PNL, says AUR co-chair Claudiu Târziu.

Claudiu Târziu told RFI that his party, which managed to enter Parliament with a surprising score for many, is not fascist, as accused by some analysts, according to Mediafax.

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The future senator from Bucharest claims that AUR is not an anti-mask party, even though it organized a street protest against the mandatory mask.

“AUR managed to capture the attention and vote of a mass of Romanians who were very unhappy and who over time were humiliated, deceived and ridiculed by both the press and politicians. I am referring here to a good part of those who voted in the referendum for the family, in favor of this referendum, in 2018 and for those who campaigned for everything that means sovereignty, national identity, the worthy presence of Romania in the world, Romanians who were ignored, when you don’t swear, when you don’t do extremists Claudiu Târziu said.

Asked about the fact that some analysts consider AUR an extremist, radical, ultranationalist, anti-European party, even with fascist visions, Claudiu Târziu replied: “We know that our press and so-called political analysts have a special pleasure in attaching false labels, to eliminate something that does not suit them. The majority current in Romanian society and in Europe is in favor of neo-Marxism, a current that is by definition globalist, anti-sovereign, anti-national, anti-Christian, anti-family. We align ourselves with this current, through the values ​​that we have assumed.

Asked also if AUR took advantage of the discontent of a certain part of the population with the way the pandemic is being handled and speculated on the fears of that segment of voters, the AUR co-chair said that the interpretation is ideological and manipulative.

CT To say that the revolt of these people is not justified.

Rep .: Well, right? They don’t want to wear a mask.

CT: This is a series of violations of the Constitution and many other laws, which have been taxed as such, including people who do not belong to us from a doctrinal point of view.

Rep .: Do you personally wear a protective mask?

CT: At certain times and depending on the context, of course I do, I wear, although I know that the mask does not save you, the mask can protect you to a certain extent, that is, if it is functional (…). We are against the violation of the rights and freedoms of movement, association, public demonstration, we are in favor of the economic restart of Romania.

Rep .: You say that you wear a mask in certain situations, after a few months ago you organized an anti-mask rally in the center of the Capital.

CT: You see, again it’s a manipulation of the press. We never did an anti-mask rally. Several civil society organizations organized a demonstration against the masks in the University Square, which we did not join. We had a separate demonstration in Victoriei Square and not against the mask.

Rep .: But against whom?

CT: We had ten complaints, which all the press ignored and narrowed us down to the pandemic restrictions.

Rep .: Well, excuse me, but the rally participants were not wearing a mask, it was very obvious.

CT: Some did not use, others used. The outdoors doesn’t help you as much if you use it or not.

Rep .: That’s what you say, doctors have a different opinion.

CT: What doctors? (…) Our party was not masked.

Rep .: No, but take advantage of that.

CT: We are a conservative party, which has perennial values ​​and principles and whose ideals are things that go far beyond this health crisis.

Rep .: How to maintain the fears of the population.

CT: No, this is bad news (…). Our ideal is national reunification, for example.

Rep .: What government will support AUR?

CT: AUR does not make any alliance with the government. We will only vote for a government that can represent the national interest. From what I see that it would now enter Parliament, it does not seem that it is a government of national interest, whether it is PSD or PNL.

Rep .: But there will be negotiations, he hopes that he will be invited to the discussions.

CT: We have already been invited to the talks. We can discuss anything.

Rep .: Who invited you?

CT: PSD and PNL.
