Despair at Biden’s Camp: Three Former US Ambassadors to Romania and Other Officials Released Meanwhile to Attack Trump – Sources News


The political struggle in the United States is closed before the presidential elections on November 3. The Democratic camp is trying to win for Joe Biden the votes of immigrants from Eastern Europe, lobbying indirectly, including in Romania. Three former US ambassadors to Romania (Mark Gitenstein, Michael Guest, James Rosapepe) sign, along with dozens of other former officials, a letter accusing Donald Trump of being an enemy of NATO and a danger to the freedom of European countries . Eastern. The signatories are trying to convince American voters in key states.

Along with the former ambassadors, he signed several leaders of ethnic groups of Central and Eastern European origin in the United States, along with General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of the NATO allied forces. Also on the list is Radu Florescu, billed as “the leader of the Romanian-American community.”

The joint statement draws attention to “President Trump’s repeated threats to NATO, as well as the commitment shown by former Vice President Joe Biden to the fundamental role of protection that this military alliance has for the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe against Russian aggression and authoritarianism. The campaign is aimed at US citizens whose families are from Central and Eastern Europe.“.

Statement from US leaders of origin in EEC countries and former US military and diplomats

After World War II, the NATO Alliance protected peace and freedom in Europe. After the fall of communism, it was the bastion of the people of Central and Eastern Europe against Russian authoritarianism and expansionism.

We all know that America’s leadership role is the key to NATO’s success.

Every American president since Harry Truman, Republican and Democrat, has understood this.

Even Donald Trump.

Today, freedom in Central and Eastern Europe is in danger, and it is at stake in these elections, because NATO is in danger. Donald Trump discredited NATO and suggested removing the United States from the Alliance. He alienated us from our allies and encouraged Vladimir Putin. The threat to NATO is a threat to American values ​​and interests. More democracy is better for the people of every nation and makes our democracy and the democracies of our allies more secure.

Many of us know this from our own experience and from the experiences of our parents and grandparents. Before 1989, too many countries in Central and Eastern Europe were ruled by dictatorships dedicated to Moscow. Some of us have understood this by working with our democratic allies to keep the countries of Central and Eastern Europe free and peaceful.

Unlike Trump, Vice President Biden is a proven supporter of NATO and its security role in Central and Eastern Europe. In 1998, just nine years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, he successfully led the Senate’s NATO enlargement campaign to include Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. And he strongly supported the inclusion in the Alliance of eleven other countries, from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea.

There is no stronger supporter today than Joe Biden of the premises of freedom in Central and Eastern Europe and, implicitly, NATO.

That is why we urge all freedom-loving Americans, especially those whose families know what Central and Eastern Europe was like before joining NATO, to join Joe Biden’s campaign to run for president. Donald Trump is too dangerous.


General Wesley Clark (in reserve), former Supreme Commander of NATO Allied Forces

Ambassador Mark Brzezinski (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Sweden

Former US Ambassadors to NATO

Ambassador Nicholas burns (Rtd.), Former Under Secretary of State, Former US Ambassador to NATO and Greece

Ambassador Robert Hunter (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to NATO

Ambassador Alexander Vershbow (Rtd.), Former NATO Under Secretary General, Under Secretary of Defense, and U.S. Ambassador to Russia, NATO, and South Korea

Leaders of Central and Eastern European National Communities in America and Key States


Almira Ahmetovic, the leader of the Bosnian-American community (New Jersey)

Alex Braun, the leader of the Czech-American community

Tom dine, former president of American Radio Free Europe, Prague

Radu Florescu, the leader of the Romanian-American community

Lukas Lipinski, founder of American Poles for Biden

Vytas Maciunas, Former President of the Lithuanian-American Community (New Jersey)

Ulana Mazurkevich, former member of the American Congressional Commission on Hunger in Ukraine in 1932-1933, member of Biden’s Ukrainian-American Steering Committee and leader of the Ukrainian-American community

Amir Ovcina, leader of the Bosnian-American community (Illinois)

Maureen pikarski, President, National Council for Ethnic Democratic Coordination and Leader of the Polish-American Community

Steven Rukavina, the leader of the Croatian-American community

Maximillian teleki, the leader of the Hungarian-American community

Nevena Trajkov, political scientist / professor, Joe Biden’s Macedonian-American movement

Peter S. Ujvagi, the representative of the state of Ohio (Ret.), the leader of the Hungarian-American community

Ilir Zherka, leader of the Albanian-American community (Maryland)

Key states for the electoral campaign


Vira Bodnaruk, President, Society of the Ukrainian Language

Oksana Piaseckyj, American Committee for Ukrainian Genocide Awareness, Cultural Attaché of the Ukrainian Community in Miami


Nevena Trajkov, political scientist / professor, Joe Biden’s Macedonian-American movement


Zinaida Poletz Gutman, American Committee for Ukrainian Genocide Awareness, Vice Chairman of the Minnesota Ukrainian Maidan Committee


Mrs. brady, Councilor (Rtd.) and Local Council Member for Cleveland District 11, Albanian-American Community Leader

Andrew Fedynsky, Democratic National Committee for Ethnic Coordination, leader of the Ukrainian-American community

Marta Fedoriw, President of Public Relations, National League of Women of Ukraine

Peter S. Ujvagi, Ohio State Representative (Retired), Hungarian-American Community Leader


Vedat Gashi, District 4, Westchester District Legislative Council, Chair of the Transportation and Public Works Committee, Vice Chair of Budget-Finance, Albanian-American Community Leader

Roman Petyk, Deputy General Counsel, University of Pennsylvania, Ukrainian-American Community Leader

Steven Rukavina, leader of the Croatian-American community


Chris Wynnyk Wilson, the Austin coordinator of the Ukrainian community in Texas


Ambassador Mark Brzezinski (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Sweden

Orest Deychakiwsky, Former Policy Advisor to the Committee on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), Leader of the Ukrainian-American Community

Former US Ambassadors to Central and Eastern European Countries

Ambassador Colleen bell (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Hungary

Ambassador Donald blinking (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Hungary

Ambassador Avis plates (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Bulgaria

Ambassador Brian E. Carlson (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Latvia, 2001-2005

Ambassador Greg delawie (Rtd), former US ambassador to Kosovo

Ambassador Norman iron (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to the Czech Republic

Ambassador Charles L. English (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ambassador Peter W. Galbraith (Rtd.), The first American ambassador to Croatia, mediator of the Erdut Agreement

Ambassador Mark Gitenstein (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Romania

Ambassador Michael Guest (Rtd.), Former Ambassador to Romania

Ambassador Christopher hill (Rtd.), Former Ambassador to Albania, Iraq, Macedonia, Poland, South


Ambassador James H. Holmes (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Latvia (Rtd.) 1998-2001

Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Kosovo

California Lieutenant Governor Eleni konalakis, former US Ambassador to Hungary

Ambassador James D. Melville, Jr (Rtd.) Former US Ambassador to Estonia

Ambassador Tom miller (Rtd.), Former United States Ambassador to Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina and for the negotiations for the reunification of Cyprus

Ambassador William Dale Montgomery (Rtd.), Former U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria, Croatia, and Serbia


Ambassador Larry C. Napper (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Latvia and Kazakhstan

Ambassador Steven Pifer (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Ukraine

Ambassador Michael Polt (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Estonia

Ambassador James rosapepe (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Romania

Ambassador Theodore Sedgwick (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Slovakia

Ambassador John shattuck (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to the Czech Republic, 1998-2000; Assistant

Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 1993-98

Dr. Bart szewczyk, Senior Political Advisor to the United States Ambassador to UN Ambassador Samantha Power

Ambassador Carl Spielvogel (Rtd.), Former US Ambassador to Slovakia
