Delirium in the Romanian show business! Charged with being paid to manipulate! Internet is bubbling


Andreea Raicu, one of the most appreciated women in Romanian show business, spoke on social media about her experience with the new coronavirus and the fear she had after her mother was diagnosed with Covid-19.

“The virus is among us, closer than we imagine. My mother tested positive for the new coronavirus 3 weeks ago. Although it is not very easy for me to talk about this issue and what I felt when I found out, and what I still feel, I considered it my duty to make this information public, ”Andreea transmitted in a video message on Instagram.

“My mother tested positive for the new coronavirus 3 weeks ago.

Although it is not very easy for me to talk about this topic and how I felt when I found out, and what I still feel, I considered it my duty to make this information public. The 2 weeks that my mother was hospitalized were the worst weeks of my life, with a lot of fear and a lot of unpredictability, like this virus. I know this message will attract negative comments, but the reality of the three weeks that my mother and I spent makes me think now only with gratitude because I have gotten over this moment and the staff at Victor Babes Hospital. I have all the respect for the professionalism with which they treated both my mother and all those hospitalized there. I haven’t seen my mother in three weeks, but I know that coming home is the most beautiful gift I could receive for her birthday, which will be in a few days.

Although I spent time with her, I did not get infected because she was wearing a permanent mask.

I know it’s a lottery and we can get infected at any time, but at least I know I can protect myself by putting it on! ”Andreea Raicu wrote, in a post on Instagram.

Andreea Raicu, accused of lying

The star was accused of lying about her mother’s COVID-19 infection and doing so in exchange for money.

“I respect everyone’s opinion and have always appreciated my followers. I ask all those who choose insult and aggression and even lack of humanity to stop following this page. (…) Lack of common sense has no place in this page, nor the insults against me or those of us who are part of this community. My message is sincere and I chose to tell you what happened because I thought we all had something to learn “, was part of Andreea Raicu’s message.
