Dej and Gherla restaurants and game rooms are closed. Mask becomes mandatory near schools in Cluj County


In the cities of Gherla and Dej, as of Tuesday, cafes, restaurants and game rooms will be closed, after the infection rate exceeded 1.5 / 1000, announces the Cluj County Committee for Emergency Situations. In addition, the use of the mask becomes, as of Wednesday, a radius of 100 meters around educational units in Cluj county.

Thus, as of 07.10.2020, at 07.00 a.m., the obligation to wear a protective mask is established for all people over 5 years of age, so that they cover the nose and mouth, within a radius of 100 m around educational units. Cluj County pre-college student. Failure to comply with this measure is considered an offense and is sanctioned with a fine of 500 to 2,500 lei, according to article 66 letter a of Law 55 of May 15, 2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the Covid pandemic 19.

Regarding the situation in the municipalities of Dej and Gherla, where the thresholds of 1.5 / 1,000 inhabitants (1.66 Dej and 1.57 Gherla) have been exceeded, an incidence rate is available to date less than or equal to 1.5 / 1,000 inhabitants, within the two municipalities, the following measures:

  • suspension of activity with the public, of all economic operators that carry out activities of preparation, marketing and consumption of food and / or alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, such as restaurants and cafes, inside buildings;
  • suspension of the activity of restaurants and cafes within hotels, pensions or other accommodation units. The activity of restaurants and cafes within hotels, pensions or other accommodation units is allowed only for guests staying at the hotel;
  • suspension of activity with the public of authorized economic operators in the field of gambling;
  • The preparation, marketing and consumption of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is allowed in specially designed outdoor spaces, ensuring a minimum distance of 2 m between tables and the participation of a maximum of 6 people at a table, if they are different families , and in compliance with the health protection measures established by joint order of the Minister of Health, the Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment and the President of the National Veterinary Health and Food Safety Authority, issued in accordance with the art. 71 par. (2) of Law no. 55/2020, with subsequent modifications.

Likewise, various measures were taken regarding the functioning of the educational units in the region, as a consequence of the change in the epidemiological situation, as follows:

  • as of 06.10.2020, the transition to the second operating scenario for all pre-university education units within the municipalities of Dej and Gherla, the city of Huedin and the commune of Floresti, which does not carry out on this date, the activity according to this scenario;
  • as of 06.10.2020, the transition to the third operating scenario for the Dej National College “Andrei Mureșanu”, as a result of the confirmation of four cases of diseases, in four different classes;
  • as of 06.10.2020, the transition to scenario 3 of the “Petru Maior” Gherla Theoretical Baccalaureate, as a result of the confirmation of three cases of diseases, in three different classes;
  • as of 06.10.2020, the transition to the second operating scenario for the Elf Cluj-Napoca Theoretical Secondary School and for the Kindergarten with expanded program “Universul Copiilor” Cluj-Napoca;
  • as of 06.10.2020, the transition to the first operating scenario for the Cluj-Napoca Technical School of Energy.

Wearing a mask has become mandatory within a 100-meter radius around schools in Botoșani and Galați counties.

Editor: Iulia Iancu
