Declaration on the own responsibility to leave the town, after May 15


Petre Dobrescu,

The head of state said that this declaration will not be necessary for metropolitan areas. In addition, for the trip within the locality, a declaration will not be necessary, after May 15.

The statement at his own risk will remain written, the president added.

“It is still prohibited, in the first phase, to leave the town, with some exceptions. There are natural exceptions, who goes to work, to agricultural work, for individual sports, cycling. However, when we leave the city, a statement is needed. In the metropolitan areas, around the big cities, there is no need. If you go from Bucharest to a provincial city, you need a written declaration, “declared Iohannis.

Under what conditions are we allowed to leave the locality?

The reasons for leaving the town are included in the absence of proposals to relax the measures, after May 15.

Activities allowed without additional conditions

  1. in the professional interest, including between the home / home and the place / places where the professional activity takes place and vice versa;
  2. for humanitarian or voluntary purposes;
  3. carrying out agricultural activities;
  4. for the commercialization of agri-food products by agricultural producers;
  5. caring for or managing property in another location; issue documents necessary to obtain rights;
  6. participation in programs or procedures at treatment centers;
  7. for other justified reasons, such as: – caring for / accompanying children / relatives; – care of a relative / relative or dependent; – assistance to elderly, sick or disabled people; – death of a family member.

Activities allowed in certain situations / conditions

  1. medical assistance that cannot be postponed or performed remotely;
  2. Individual recreational sports activities carried out outdoors (cycling, hiking, running, rowing, mountaineering, hunting, fishing and others) with the participation of up to 3 people.
  3. participation in family events, with a limited number of people and compliance with the rules of social distance;
  4. for the purchase, service, ITP performance or other vehicle maintenance operations, activities that cannot be carried out in the locality of residence.

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DOCUMENT | The project adopted by the Government with the measures on alert. Protective mask, mandatory indoors, from May 15. The fines return to normal.

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