DDB summons Contra and Serdean


Unknown night at Dinamo: “Who is Toma Sapasu?”

Take Sapasu he is the newest character in Dinamo’s tangled landscape. The Transylvanian businessman, based in Spain, allegedly planned to take over the club together with the people of the Cortacero entourage. The meantime of the whole thing was Dorin Șerdean.

Supporters of the DDB program are now asking for explanations about Sapasu’s involvement. Cosmin Contra is instructed to provide all the information it has in this regard before a possible departure.

Press release issued by DDB: “OP of 400,000 euros shown by Spaniards”

“Yesterday, before the game with Astra, there was a meeting with the general manager of the club, Alex Couto. The meeting took place as a result of our insistence on seeing proof of the payment announced last week, when there was also talk of a capital increase.

Initially this capital increase was expected to be € 15,000,000, then it was reduced to € 10,000,000 and last week it was said to be € 5,000,000.

Couto presented a payment order from Spain for € 400,000.

You were asked to provide us with this OP (to scare you with a message), but said you can only display it on your phone.

The money would arrive early in the week. We can only wait and hope that this time the payment is real and the correct bank details.

Unfortunately, other people with whom there are financial debts, complained that repeatedly, when asked about the payment of wages, they were shown PO by phone and the money did not arrive.

Couto was asked why such high salaries were offered if they didn’t have the money to cover them. He did not give an answer to this question.

Regarding the possible change of coach, we consider this to be a club problem, not ours. We believe that you have to pay the coaches and players.

Before a possible departure, we believe that Mr. Cosmin Contra is obliged to tell the whole truth about the people who run the club.

His name has been used as collateral for this group of people since spring. At the same time, he said that he knows the person who started this Spanish project and that he is confident that extraordinary things will be done at Dinamo.

We consider ourselves entitled to know the truth behind this business and urge Cosmin Contra to tell us everything he knows.

At the same time, we ask him Dorin Șerdean, the president of the Dinamo club, to tell us who he is Take Sapasu and the connections you had with him in the past.

Let’s not forget that this club once represented the glory of Romanian football! ”, It is shown in the statement from the Dinamo fans.

What is Sapasu’s involvement with Dinamo?

The name of the unknown Toma Sapasu appeared in the media in recent days, in the context of the Dinamo currency crisis. The Transylvanian businessman has already contributed a significant amount, one that he has not recovered from Pablo Cortacero, according to Fanatik.

Gazeta Sportulor wrote about the fact that Sapasu appeared one of the last days at the hotel in Ionuț Negoiță. He had come to demand a refund of the 600,000 euros. Sources who witnessed the scene say the uninvited guests did not find Dorin Șerdean, whom they were looking for. Details HERE!

VIDEO. Dinamo prepares for the departure of Cosmin Contra

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