According to the study carried out by specialists from the University of Bucharest, Romanians who buy unpackaged bread are exposed to a very high risk.
Regarding this danger, the authors of the investigation pointed out that unwrapped bread may be contaminated with Covid-19,
The virus can remain in the package.
“After putting the packaging sheets in contact with the biological sample, although the presence of the virus was detected on the external face of the packaging bag in all the time intervals analyzed, the presence of the virus on its internal surface was not highlighted .
On the other hand, after contacting the viral load suspensions directly with the bread samples, the presence of the virus was detected in the bread samples at all the time intervals analyzed.
In conclusion, after packaging in plastic foil (without perforations), the bread products are no longer exposed to the risk of contamination ”, show researchers coordinated by the 3NANOSAE Center of the University of Bucharest.
Urgent action must be taken
Once the scientists’ conclusions are conveyed, the next step is to take the necessary action by the Romanian authorities.
This is in the context in which more than half of the country’s bread is unpacked.
Bad habits of Romanians
“Unpackaged bread must be sold packaged or assisted by a vendor who has gloves and all other protective equipment.
Romanians also have a way of putting our hands on bread, so empty handed! And then we change our minds. Let’s have another loaf of bread.
We take a muffin, we take a wand, etc.… In my opinion, either everything will be sold packaged or, if it cannot be sold packaged, it must be sold assisted by a person ”, says Paul Anghel, CEO of ANPC, right at the beginning of the pandemic.
The results of the study can also lead to the identification of viricidal solutions for the decontamination of containers and prepackaged products, in order to inactivate viruses transmitted by contaminated people, as well as formulate proposals for measures to avoid contamination throughout the life cycle of packaging products. bakery ”, is shown in unibuc.ro.