Dan Voiculescu warns of ‘a time bomb’: ‘In less than six months we will face an explosive social crisis’ – News from sources


Dan Voiculescu warns, in a post on his personal blog, that unemployment is a true “time bomb” in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic. The former senator says that if unemployment reaches 10% unemployment, “in less than six months we will face an explosive social crisis.”

“At the end of 2019, unemployment in Romania was below 4% (3.9%). By the end of this year, an unemployment rate of 8% is forecast! And this figure does not include hundreds of thousands of Romanians who returned to the country at the beginning of the pandemic and neither the uncertain situation of the suspended contracts. Analyzing the concrete data, it can be estimated that, in reality, Romania faces a real unemployment of around 10%. The figure is alarming .

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The harmful effects of unemployment: the pressure on the public budget, the decrease in the general standard of living, the global depreciation of the employee’s position in relation to the employer, social tensions, etc. – are discreet in the short term. But as time passes and individual and state reserves are used up, the overall impact on the economy and society can become devastating.

A 10% unemployment rate is impossible to manage in the long term with a declining economy and a public budget hit by a record deficit. Without wanting to alarm anyone, I point out that if we don’t make job creation a national priority, in less than six months we will face an explosive social crisis! ”Dan Voiculescu wrote.
