Dan Nistor, forceful attack against Dinamo! Answer for Dusan Uhrin. The midfielder turned the cards over


Nistor was a captain of Dinamo, but he mocked his former team after they accused him of ruining the team’s atmosphere.

It was better for them that I left, because they didn’t catch the playoffs. There I had other problems besides talking to young players. It had to be a scapegoat, and that was me.“Nistor said at Digi Sport Special.

Dan Nistor, the troublesome gamer?

Dan Nistor is currently the player at the University of Craiova, where he transferred from Dinamo. The midfielder appears to be a troublesome footballer, considering the fact that the number of coaches who report having problems with him is multiplying.

After Dan Petrescu, Cosmin Contra and Florin Bratu, it was Dusan Uhrin’s turn to accuse Nistor of ruining the atmosphere in the team’s locker room.

I found out that Dan Nistor was moving three days before he left. He wanted to leave and there was no other solution. Nistor always talked about money in the locker room and that bothered the other players, who couldn’t focus on training. He focused on games and training, but the others struggled.Uhrin told Digi Sport.

Tags: and nistor , nistor dynamo , dusan uhrin
