Dan Dungaciu, alarm signal on Turkey: It is irrational. FABULOUS internal legitimacy


Dan Dungaciu, director of the Institute of Political Science and International Relations “Ion IC Brătianu” of the Romanian Academy, spoke about the changes that have taken place in Turkey and how it operates in the region.

“Turkey is emerging, it comes and asks for its place in the sun. It says: ‘The Treaty of Sèvres has turned the Aegean Sea into a Greek lake. You can’t help giving us some of the resources. We take them if you don’t give them to us. So Turkey is growing, is what Turkey is doing irrational? Of course it is irrational in terms of calculations, but the internal legitimacy is fabulous. The Turkish Republican Party has explicitly said that it supports what Erdogan is doing in the Mediterranean. From the point of view, there is legitimacy in Turkey to do such a thing.

And as for Azerbaijan, it is about two states, one nation, and again it is a kind of legitimacy. Of course, Turkey may collapse under the weight of its own assumptions. But we must always bear in mind that we can no longer speak to Turkey today as we did ten years ago. Turkey is in an emergency that has its dose of irrationality. It is probably too much for what Turkey has undertaken, but the rational discourse, “Turkey, it is too much for you to undertake, go home and stay calm” cannot be sustained at this time. because Turkey looks at the world differently, it sees itself differently in the mirror, ”explained Dan Dungaciu on DC News TV’s” Pe Plan Extern “program.

