Dan Bittman unleashed on Klaus Iohannis: if the population does not spy every day, the world participates in the elections – News from sources


Singer Dan Bittman, who has recently stood out for his views on the restrictions imposed in the pandemic, comments on the weak turnout in the elections and says that the fault lies with President Klaus Iohannis. The artist also explained on Antena 3 that the closing of the markets was intended to undermine the national economy.

“This year, I did not want to miss the vote. I even said on your television channel, I said that they will decrease during the elections, but know that absenteeism came because of those who scared us so much in the previous month, because if the president did not appear in day, night after night, to tell us all kinds of bastards, or the prime minister, or all the managers, Mr. Arafat, etc. People would not have been so scared. I understand that many preferred to stay at home for fear of contracting the virus In vain the numbers drop two or three days before the election. For a month you have been thinking that the work is quite heavy, and then do not be surprised by absenteeism. I say this for those who marvel at the results or marvel with absenteeism.

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It doesn’t surprise me at all! I have witnessed many unusual things over a year.

I’m starting to get used to them, but I find it strange. I also ask you: Doesn’t it seem strange to you that we have come to vote for some governments and some governors, after which we started in the courts, or to go out into the streets to fight against these governments? That is, what is the use of voting if we know from the beginning that the pandemic is upon us, that the measures taken are bad and now we have to go to court and judge ourselves. What are governments good at? Forgive me for asking you, but I deepen the subject.

We could see some absolutely serious changes in the situation in the coming years.

I have a feeling that already, if democracy is still questioned, we could see some absolutely serious changes in the situation in the next few years. These measures are taken against the good course of life, because that is why now queues are being queued, that is why they are going to say, oh well, you went out, you piled up in the stores, that’s why you still have COVID, and then, all these measurements are taken without head. It does not make any sense. In fact, this bothers me more, and that is why I protest so calmly, which is not a violent protest, “Bittman added, according to bugetul.ro.
