Dan Barna, attack on the Government: ‘The school is not an unexpected meteorological phenomenon, nobody can boast of having been taken by surprise’ – News from sources


USR leader Dan Barna claims on Facebook Sunday that Romanian authorities had six months to prepare for the new school year and that now no one can claim they took him by surprise. He also recalls the shortcomings that schools face and announces a site with useful information and tips for students and parents: http://www.scolipregatite.ro/, prepared by his colleagues.

“From the beginning of the pandemic, the Romanian authorities knew that this moment would come. They had six months to prepare for the start of the school year. School is not an unexpected meteorological phenomenon, no one can claim that it was taken by surprise.

There is a lack of facilities for schools, a lack of resources and, above all, a lack of confidence that there is someone there who knows what they are doing, who has a coherent plan. That is why my colleagues created a site with useful information and tips for students and parents (can be accessed here http://www.scolipregatite.ro/). In a functional administration, such an approach would have come from the authorities, not the opposition, ”writes Barna.

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He asserts that parents are right to be concerned and that they are right to ask “how did they come to the situation of balancing education on the one hand and health on the other.”

“It just came to our attention then. USR PLUS has been saying for years that there should be a transfer of responsibility from the schools to the local communities. But I never said that the cat should be left to the local principals and administrations when the situation turns. aggravates.

On the other hand, the school year is not a surprise for mayors either. A responsible mayor would have wondered since the spring “What do I do for families with children in school? I can help? “I assure you they had methods.

Some municipalities have large budgets that they spend on thoughts rather than education. Those who did not have the resources could ask the government for them six months ago. But many mayors prefer to ask for money for public works of dubious quality that go to party companies through the PNDL.

Parents have every right to be nervous and we all have the right to wonder what our future will be like, “writes Dan Barna also on Facebook.
