Dacian Ciolos sprinkles the Orban Government: Monica Anisie ‘Pepsiglas’ to resign urgently! – News by sources


PLUS leader Dacian Ciolos said that Monicia Anisie should urgently resign from the ministry, because the institution she runs does not know what she wants. “Unfortunately, children and parents are going through a government experiment these days,” the former prime minister said.

“The Ministry of Education does not know what it wants, but it knows that it wants to do what it wants. After six months of pandemic, and ‘winter has caught us off guard’, and irritates our citizens with its permanent demands and we take off our hats once again the magic solution of any obsolete official: send the world for another certificate, send We fill the country with tails and rail files. Social distancing? Yes, but only after you’ve lined up until your legs, back, and thoughts are numb, along with other people just as irritated and tired as you. Let’s stop wondering if the general opinion is that the government or the authorities are incompetent, because the truth is that most of the time they are, ”Dacian Cioloş wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

President PLUS also said that the government is incompetent when it comes to opening schools.

“Until yesterday I asked all students for certificates, today Mrs. Anisie says there is no need. Until yesterday we needed ‘pepsiglas’, today we no longer need them. Until yesterday, the Government announced tablets and internet for all schools, today it only has a few. Education Minister Monica Anisie should leave the Emergency Department, but I have no hope that this will happen. Especially since she can invoke exactly the crisis that she cannot resolve due to the need to stay in office. I have seen this scenario dozens of times. Incompetent politicians who believe the world will collapse without them desperately clinging to their seats. There is chaos in education before the schools reopen, ”added Cioloş.

He specified that PLUS sent solutions to the Ministry of Education.

“Our political mission is increasingly clear. I know that in vain we stand firm and criticize, in vain do we show them that they are wrong and tell them what the necessary solutions would be. At the beginning of the crisis, there were several meetings between the representatives of PLUS and those of the ministry. I sent them solutions, lent them a helping hand, explained where to go wrong and why it would be good to act on time. We did not expect a minister to be the specialist in miracles, the one who discovers the antidote to all the sufferings of the society. No. A minister is a responsible politician who knows how to use all the minds at his disposal, to facilitate the obtaining of the necessary information from the country and from abroad (that only the pandemic is not only in Romania), to build a functional framework within which to work effectively, listen to citizens and understand their anxieties, have the courage to make mistakes and the honesty to make amends for the mistake they made and have r the common sense to leave when you can’t do it all. Citizens do not mind the adventures of a few months in a ministry to be told by the lady or the minister. But it determines the fate of a society ”, Dacian Cioloş also declared.

The former technocratic prime minister added that parents and children are going through an Orban cabinet experiment that tests their patience and confidence in the Romanian school.

“Unfortunately, children and parents are going through a government experiment that tests their patience and confidence in the Romanian school. People are again being victims and this at a difficult time anyway, of the insecurity caused by pandemic and chaos at all levels of administration. Today we are not sure that schools can open safely. And this is a serious reason to say that Ms. Monica Anisie failed in the Ministry of Education. The conclusion is simple: the honorary resignation for his reign and the urgent construction of a team that will find a clear solution for the safe operation of schools. And the long-term solution is to get the policy out of the school once and for all through of the country’s school principals. Let’s reorganize school inspections to professionalize them and involve parents and students in the good administration of schools, “concluded Cioloş.

In an Antena 3 program, in mid-August, Monica Anisie mispronounced the word plexiglass, saying “pepsiglass”.

The Education Minister recently said that he no longer understands anything that happens around him, since “any good intention is interpreted by all without fail.” “Everyone is critical, no one gives solutions,” said the Minister of Education, adding that he expects proposals for concrete solutions from those who say they have them.
