Dacian Cioloș demands the honorary resignation of the Minister of Education, Monica Anisie


USR PLUS co-chair Dacian Cioloș is demanding the honorary resignation of Education Minister Monica Anisie due to the chaos related to the reopening of schools and the start of the new school year. “The government is incompetent in opening schools,” said the former prime minister.

In a post on Facebook, Dacian Ciolos launches an unprecedented harsh attack against the government and shows that “the Ministry of Education does not know what it wants, but it knows that it wants to do what it wants.”

“Unfortunately, children and parents are going through a government experiment these days that tests their patience and confidence in the Romanian school,” says Dacian Ciolos.

The USR PLUS leader criticizes the bureaucratic measures, referring to the certificates that the students must present: and railway files. Social distancing? Yes, but only after queuing until your legs, back, and thoughts go numb, along with other people just as irritated and tired as you. Let’s stop asking ourselves that the general opinion is that the government or the authorities are incompetent, because the truth is that most of the time this is the case, ”wrote Dacian Cioloș.

“Incompetent politicians desperately clinging to seats”

The former prime minister’s tone is very acid, sanctioning the government’s indecision and the inconsistency of the measures: “The government is incompetent when it comes to opening schools. Until yesterday she asked all students for certificates, today Ms. Anisie says it is not necessary. Until yesterday “pepsiglas” was needed, today it is no longer needed. Until yesterday, the Government announced tablets and internet for all schools, today it has only a few ”.

The conclusion of Dacian Ciolo “is that” the Minister of Education, Monica Anisie, should leave the Ministry of Emergencies “, but adds that she has no hope that something like this will happen. Especially since she can invoke exactly the crisis that she cannot resolve due to the need to remain in office. I have seen this scenario dozens of times. Incompetent politicians who believe the world will collapse without them are desperately clinging to their chairs. There is chaos in education before the reopening of schools, ”says Dacian Cioloș.

“Today we are not sure that schools can open safely. And this is a serious reason to say that Ms. Monica Anisie failed at the Ministry of Education. The conclusion is simple: honorary resignation for his reign and training of emergency teams to find a clear solution for the safe operation of schools ”, asks the leader of USR PLUS.

Dacian Cioloș: “Our political mission is increasingly clear”

He also says that the long-term solution for education is depoliticization: “Let’s get politics out of the school once and for all, through competitions for all school principals in the country. Let’s reorganize school inspections to professionalize them and involve parents and students in the good administration of schools ”, urges the former prime minister.

Last but not least, Dacian Cioloș complains that the Ludovic Orban government has not consulted lately with who would be his political partners and has not taken into account the solutions given by PLUS at the beginning of the crisis. In these conditions, Dacian Cioloș affirms: “Our political mission is increasingly clear. I know that in vain we sit down to criticize, in vain we show them that they are wrong and we say what the necessary solutions would be ”.

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Web edition: Luana Păvălucă
