Cure for stomach aches


Gastritis and ulcers are diseases of the stomach accompanied by a state of discomfort and intense pain. Frequent light meals can alleviate symptoms.

Absinthe stimulates digestion

Absinthe, through its content of bitter substances, stimulates digestion and treats stomach aches accompanied by bloating. Absinthe tea is brewed from a teaspoon of dried herbs to a cup of water. Drink 1-2 cups a day, maximum 3 days. The tincture is prepared from 20 g of crushed plant, soaked in 100 g of 70⁰ alcohol for 7 days.

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St. John’s wort, good for gastritis.

St. John’s wort is a good remedy for gastritis, gastric ulcer, and stomach pain. St. John’s wort tea is made from 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs in a cup of water. Drink a tablespoon after each meal. You can use a weaker infusion of one teaspoon of the plant to one cup of water. Drink 2-3 teas a day.

Ginger treats the ulcer

Ginger tea is considered a good medicine to treat ulcers. It is prepared from a teaspoon of ground ginger root in a liter of water. Boil for 30 minutes, strain and cool. Drink 3-4 glasses a day, during or after a meal. It can be sweetened with honey.

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Obligeana keeps stress under control

From this plant underground stems, also called rhizomes, are used in the form of tea and tincture. Obligeana has sedative, analgesic properties and is used as a stimulant of gastric secretion, as well as in various diseases of the stomach. It also helps control stress levels. The tea is prepared by infusing 15 g of crushed rhizome with 200 g of water. Drink 3 tablespoons a day, one before each meal.


In case of stomach pain, drink a cup of warm water before meals and purify with 6 repeated boils.

Find out HERE why stomach cancer occurs!
