Cumpănașu, delirium on the Internet after a deputy called him “crazy” for the videos with TikTok students: “A bastard, a Jeg” | Freedom


The liberal parliamentarian calls Alexandru Cumpănașu, who is also a former member of the PNL, “a madman who instigates hatred, school dropouts and indirectly promotes minor students in public discussions with them, in our opinion, everyone.”

Pavel Popescu says that the solution is “to suspend the account of the madman named Alexandru Cumpănașu. And legislation on social networks. That’s if we find someone to do it with. “

Before long, Alexandru Cumpănașu replied on both Facebook and TikTok. Live on Facebook, Cumpănașu used insulting language towards the deputy and said that he would not surrender until he was put in prison.

“A Romanian Member of Parliament, whose name does not even matter because it is equal to zero, did nothing for this country, said that social networks – Facebook, TikTok, Instagram should be censored or closed”, begins Cumpănașu live- on Facebook .

Then, the president of the National Coalition for the Modernization of Romania (CNMR) demands accountability from the National Liberal Party, for the statements of the deputy who attacked him.

“Dear Romanians, this deputy is part of the National Liberal Party! I publicly ask the National Liberal Party, the leadership of this party, to explain whether it is the public position of this party or not! We were part of the NLP, people died During the NLP Revolution, we consumed ourselves, we destroyed our lives! My grandparents in jail for freedom! And a thief, a bastard, a jeg who is a deputy, has a public office, speaks publicly, asks publicly to the The Prosecutor’s Office, the Police, the state institutions to close our accounts, to close my accounts! ”Cumpănașu shouted live on Facebook.

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“The People’s Republic of China is the greatest power in the world!”

Furthermore, Cumpănașu, from the position of “foreign policy expert”, as he calls himself, accuses Pavel Popescu of leading Romania into an open conflict with China and that his desire to close TikTok amounts to a declaration of war.

“Friends, this irresponsibility leads Romania into an open conflict with China! If you don’t realize how small and stupid you are, I’ll tell you! As an expert on foreign policy, as a man who has worked and works as an ambassador all Every day, I just tell you this: the declarations of an irresponsible People’s Republic of China is the greatest power in the world! America has come face to face! ”shouted Cumpănașu.

Cumpănașu continued to insult Pavel Popescu, whom he threatened to imprison.

This man must be hospitalized in Socola, in Bălăceanca, in Hospital 9 in Bucharest, not in the Romanian Parliament! The censorship of social networks today, because that is what the muscle of an incompetent wants, is the worst decision or announcement that NLP assumes without speaking ”, added Cumpănașu.

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Cumpănașu: “Sorin Cîmpeanu is a man I trust!”

The president of the CNMR also remembers Senator Șoșoacă and says that he will send her notifications about abuses in schools and asks that everyone who “governed education” be heard. Instead, he has a good opinion of Sorin Cîmpeanu, who assumed the corresponding ministry.

“Sorin Cîmpeanu is a man I trust! The rest who have ruled education in the last year and a half to be heard! Let them tell those in Parliament how they did it!”, Broadcasts Cumpănașu.

He also has a good opinion of Diana Șoșoacă, AUR senator.

“Ms Șoșoacă said that he is a just and equitable man! I believe so too! Until proven otherwise, I believe it!” Concludes the former presidential candidate of 2019.

Also read the article from School 9: How dangerous is the “Cumpănașu phenomenon”, eponymous “Online teacher” on TikTok. “Exploits with absolute cynicism all the holes in the fringe of Romanian education”

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