CTP, on the unification of left-wing parties: “It’s funny, it’s about the cripple, the clown and the jungle coming together”


Journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu confessed, on ProTV News, that he finds the announcement of the unification of the “left” funny and that the anti-government and anti-NLP rhetoric of the PSD in the electoral campaign actually brought votes in favor of the RSU.

Andreea Esca: What do you think of Cristian Popescu “Piedone”?

Cristian Tudor Popescu: “You don’t want to know my opinion about this individual and I don’t think that is important. Another important thing is how the sector was able to vote and win. This happened because this Piedone chose precisely its target, this sector 5, the poorest sector and the least educated from the Capital. There lurks poverty, ignorance, darkness. And when he leads such a life, he is less sensitive to the tragedies of others. Your empathy decreases. It is a truth. Poor, ignorant and ignorant people are exclusively interested in what happens to them, if they have work today, if they have something to put on the table, if they have a house. Piedone bet on this and bet on something else, when he used the verb “fry”, that he can make you and me Let’s open our eyes to something like this, to put the verb “fry” on a campaign day, being, as he admitted then, clearly and mostly guilty of what happened in Colectiv. He bet on those people who are certainly not few in Sector 5, who think they were some satanists there, and n the Collective, and well they were burned, they are convinced that the fire was set there by Iohannis and by Brussels, to overthrow the PSD-Ponta government. What I said now was strongly supported by the PSD televisions, by the so-called party analysts, the theory with the fire lit. I knew who to turn to. “

Andreea Esca: If we had to draw a conclusion, do you think that now people have voted for people or parties?

Cristian Tudor Popescu: “And and. There were situations in which it was clearly the man who determined the vote, but, in most situations, in my opinion, it was a vote against the PSD.”

Andreea Esca: If we talk about Negoiță, do you think it was still voted because people are satisfied in their sector?

Cristian Tudor Popescu: “Yes I am. I was also told by people that I do not suspect as PSD members and who told me:” Sir, I have nothing to blame you for! “The man does the work there and that is why he was voted.

Andreea Esca: It was a great joy for me to see our colleague Elena Lasconi win at Câmpulung Muscel. How do you think she convinced?

Cristian Tudor Popescu: “On this trend that began in 2015, with 50,000 people in the Market after the Collective. It continued with the 600,000 who demonstrated against Ordinance 13. It continued with last year’s vote, of the European Parliament, of the presidential elections. People, as I told you, and this seems to me the most important thing, to get rid of fear. What was the word that Ciolacu and PSD used many times in the anti-government rhetoric? Chaos. If you don’t vote for us, it’s chaos. We, who are the descendants of that party, where the sparrow did not move on the branch. It may be chaos, but we no longer want to be trapped in this iceberg, full of mummies, that Ceausescu left us. And I think there is one more important thing to say here. In desperation, PSD now, in addition to announcing the unification of the left, which is funny, it is about the cripple, the clown and the jungle that unite, from 1 decimal point some percent, like PRO Romania and Alde have, they don’t have chance. to enter Parliament, but they join, now they care that they lost NLP votes in favor of USR, as if it were their business. But they see this as an opportunity, a weakness, they will not be able to understand each other and perhaps they will also have an opportunity. They still didn’t understand anything. PSD lost, because the PSD now had an opportunity for formidable anti-NLP, anti-government rhetoric given by the pandemic and they used it to the fullest, to demonize the rulers, the “dictators”, the “muzzle”, to have some very strong allies, namely, the Ombudsman and the Constitutional Court. They fired with all the populist bombs pushed to irresponsible dementia, 40% to retirees, we double the diets, we also give them to teachers, we don’t know where, but we give them. Under these gusts, which took effect, the PNL and the government did lose votes. But the votes did not go to PSD. People said, “yeah, well, it’s not that, but we’re going to USR and even PMP.” They did not go to PSD, or ALDE, or PRO Romania ”.
