CTP, on the controversial doctor Flavia Groșan and the “Maglavites” who consider her “goddess”, “hero” and “angel sent to earth”


The journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu commented on Digi24 the controversial statements of Dr. Flavia Groșan, who claimed to have cured 1,000 COVID patients with a prescription that he keeps secret and accused hospital doctors of killing patients by putting them on oxygen. The journalist also took note of comments from YouTube users calling her a “goddess” and a “hero”, although Groșan did not present evidence to support her claims. In addition, the doctor will be heard by the College of Physicians.

Cristian Tudor Popescu read some comments posted by users:

  • “May the Lord bless you, dear doctor!”
  • “A doctor and a real man, those people are marginalized.”
  • “The doctor is a hero, not the monkey ones who took people away in isolation. Heroes have always fought for freedom. Why can’t doctors diagnose COVID? If the false PCR test is used to diagnose COVID and the treatment is already imposed, the head of the WHO is not a doctor, it means that the medical school is no longer needed. Arafat is more on television, he terrorizes people, he scares, he threatens. He never saved anyone. A great COVID, says the reassuring doctor with a heart and solves the pandemic ”.
  • “Here is a true doctor, God help you in this consecration.”
  • “A pure goddess. Doctor, we love him.”
  • “Congratulations, doctor! People adore you, they love you. We want you to be a Minister of Health.” “God protect this goddess! People have found a way, a hope in you. You are a national hero. “
  • “Madam Doctor, you should be the Minister of Health (sic!)”.
  • “An angel sent to Earth”.

Cristian Tudor Popescu: I read them all. There is only one post that says: “I don’t quite understand what this lady is saying. I see that those who comment before give them blessings, that’s all ”.

The rest is what I read here: “national hero”, “goddess”, “Minister of Health (sic!)”. How could these people call? I would call them “maglavites”.

What we have here is a perfect Maglavit (the case of the pastor Petrache Lupu since The Maglavit commune, which claimed to have had several divine visions in 1935, and millions of people made a pilgrimage to that place. A monastery was built in Maglavit, no)

This lady says she cured 1,000 people. Where I am? You have a private practice. Is there a record – on what condition did they come to her, how did they leave, what was their diagnosis, also for her? Diagnosis that he says he does by voice, on the phone. Like the great healers of the Soviet era, who healed on television. People healed just by looking at them. The lady heals by computer, online, without having to go to her office.

We don’t even know the miracle recipe, a miracle that she uses, because the lady says: “I’m not saying, you’re making me dust.” How can someone dust it off? You say a recipe and it will be checked if it is valid or not. Who is going to dust it off? But the lady keeps it a secret, for people like Maglavit to come to her, either online or physically in the office. Many ask for your phone number.

It’s charlatanism, obviously. The charlatan is classified according to the result, I do not care if it is on everyone’s mind or not. I am interested in what you are doing.

She says it: don’t die of COVID. Those who die now have not died of COVID. COVID is a simple pneumonia, a slightly more serious cold that can be cured with kings, queens, valet and heroes. with a recipe that we do not know yet, but it is a miracle. Those people die in the hospital, that’s what the lady says. I don’t know if he says it because he has a mental illness. If I am allowed to make a diagnosis, if she can diagnose by voice, by phone, then I am right, right? – I also make a diagnosis according to the voice of his reign, according to the figure of his reign, how he behaves and especially after he says. I also have a great understanding and compassion for people with mental illness. Life has made many see me. She may have something like that.

The problem is that the result is this: thousands, tens of thousands of people, requests – requests were made to gather people and the press in the College of Physicians, so that it will be a street demonstration on March 22, when the distinguished . A request was made as a journalist for Antena3, from where we saw the interview, which only did that, He said, “Are there no more psychological and psychiatric checks for doctors before they are granted the right to practice?” Due to this question posed by the journalist Radu Tudor, his dismissal was requested, by these “enslaved” and “enslaved.”

What I heard here is a story. He watched her say fondly, “The drugs in that prescription are my children.” I don’t know if the lady has children, but drugs are her children. “It’s my story, you can’t take that away from me.” That’s it, a story and nothing more. As in the case of Maglavit, with absolutely nothing tangible.

Those who comment here do not believe they know what the Hippocrates oath means and if it allows him to keep a recipe secret. That we are talking about a “true doctor”, a “goddess”. So how do you keep the recipe a secret? On the contrary, you communicate it.

Since the pandemic broke out, doctors and medical organizations have struggled to find treatment, struggled, and manufactured vaccines. Were these secrets? The investigation was public, the results were released, they could be verified at any time. This is a characteristic of medical work, it has no secrets.

Editing: Monica Bonea
