CTP: “If the faithful, after observing all the measurements, use the same teaspoon with everyone, the measurements no longer exist” | News, News Romania | freedom


Cristian Otopeanu,

“I am amazed. What sense do these restrictions have in relation to the church and the participation of the faithful, with the 8 square meters of the faithful during the entrance to the church, with the disinfectant at the entrance, with the washing of hands, since the Romanian Orthodox Church will decide on the chalice from which to drink everyone? The chalice is a glass, it is not a chalice, it is not the Holy Grail! So what is the point of all this? “CTP told Digi 24.

And he continued: “If the believer leaves, after observing all these measures, and drinks from the same glass with everyone present there, then it doesn’t make sense! Let’s let it go, like it was before the pandemic, since you go and share with everyone else what? ”

It’s about logic again. Do we apply more restrictions to the participation of people in the service and leave communion, since it is the core of the Christian faith, that is, with the teaspoon and the chalice for everyone, or, however, do we give up something like that?

Cristian Tudor Popescu:

Then the CTP collided with the spokesman for the Patriarchate: “This gentleman, the spokesman Bănescu, says: the teaspoon of communion is kept by the priest and should not be confused with the disposable teaspoon! Well, if the priest keeps it, it turns out what? That the teaspoon is multiple or what? And all one! Does that mean no one gets infected if everyone uses the same teaspoon ?! ¨.

Cristian Tudor Popescu believes that this is a logical compatibility of the measures proposed by the authorities to relax the restrictions after May 15.

“The problem is the logical compatibility of the measures. If he stays in communion with the same joy, I don’t even know how to tell the faithful, with the same objects, then all the other measures are useless and, obviously, even for the Clumsier person, the chances of infection are immense !, CTP added.

The CTP statements were also made in the context in which the National Institute of Public Health transmitted that, within the relaxation measures considered after May 15, in the churches “the offering / receiving of communion in conditions in the that disposable teaspoons and cups cannot be provided. “

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