CTP, harsh criticism of teachers: How can I say that they do not get vaccinated knowing that they can infect their students?


The journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu declared, on Friday night, in Digi24, that the teacher must think rationally about the relationship with the students and in order not to infect them when the schools reopen, they must be vaccinated.

“Science is taught in school, there is no poetry, no painting or music. The music teacher is not Mozart, he is a scientist”, argued Cristian Tudor Popescu.

“Unfortunately, we are currently faced with formally indecisive sentences, not rationalized truths or falsehoods; you can contact them, you can argue them, you can counter them, you link them, you have a dispute.

What dispute do I have, at this moment, with a teacher who is not vaccinated? A teacher, I do not mean an ordinary citizen, because a teacher is a person obliged to have a scientific training.

In school you do science, you don’t do poetry, painting or music. The music teacher is not Mozart, he is a scientist.

More than 50% of teachers do not want to be vaccinated. A teacher is a person who must think rationally in school, in relation to students. At home, your job is to do what you want.

How can such a teacher say that he is not vaccinated, knowing full well that he comes into contact with students, that he can infect them and, in turn, can be infected by them in a classroom, especially now that schools are reopening.

In order to support this necessary measure now, you as a teacher, a person of reason, must be vaccinated. You help a lot this measure.

How can you justify not getting vaccinated? As a master of anything, you have to see rationally what happens with the vaccine “, said Cristian Tudor Popescu, during the show” Cap Limpede “.

The Ministry of Education announced that 167,977 employees in education declared, in the first consultation stage, the availability of anti-Covid vaccination.

In pre-university education, 45.06% of employees agree to be vaccinated, compared to a total of 292,872 pre-university students (including those who did not respond).

In the university education system, the percentage of vaccination availability is 59.64% (compared to the total of 51,094 employed holders in the university education system + 9,295 associate teachers – including people who did not respond).

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