Cristoiu destroys Iohannis after the conference: he was forced to present the shit as a cake. The result was a series of statements such as Gaga’s Thoughts – Source News


Publicist Ion Cristoiu affirms that, at Wednesday’s press conference, President Iohannis was unable to respond to public concerns about the start of the school year in pandemic conditions, managing, to the amusement of many, to cover Gaga-like thoughts .

We reproduce in full the editorial published on

“On September 14, 2020, the school year begins in unprecedented conditions, created by the development of courses with physical presence while observing drastic health protection rules.

Every year since December 1989, the opening of the new school year has taken place under the conditions of an educational system with great material and spiritual problems. Poor sanitation in many schools, qualified teacher crisis, poorly lit and cramped classrooms, lack of internet connection, textbooks that have not reached the banks. Although in the period of preparation for the opening of the new school year, the local authorities especially tried to solve the problems often using the traditional Romanian cloth, still every year the opening of the school was carried out in many places in unsuitable conditions .

This year, to the already traditional problems born of ensuring the conditions for an education, as normal as possible, were added those derived from the development of the courses in the dramatic conditions of the Pandemic.

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The opening of the new school year with the physical presence despite the spectacular return of the Pandemic in our country aroused discomfort, concern and even fear among students, teachers, parents, public opinion. Many of the anguish have their cause in the spectacle of fights, contradictions, powerlessness, bureaucratic nonsense offered by the Government, in charge of the Ministry of Education led by Monica Anisie.

There are a few more days until September 14, 2020.

Parents, students, teachers already know some things for sure. The promised tablets for children from disadvantaged families will not reach schools until September 14, 2020. Where education will be hybrid, many schools will not work because they are not connected to the Internet. The auxiliary staff, who must ensure disinfection, is insufficient. Family doctors point out that the obligation of the certificate for the student to stay at home will lead to overcrowding in the offices and therefore to an increase in infections.

It is understood in these conditions why the press conference announced by Klaus Iohannis for Wednesday September 9, 2020 was awaited by all Romanians. With the exception of the journalist Realitatea Plus who, as usual, instead of asking, was holding up an anti-PSD pamphlet, causing Klaus Iohannis to rejoice and wag his tail, all the journalists present asked questions on behalf of opinion. raised the issues facing schools in the run-up to September 14, 2020. In other circumstances, perhaps the silly questions like the one posed by the Reality Plus girl would have been more. Now, however, even journalists who have been kind to Power have not been able to afford to ask sweet questions, questions with which the criminal owners of press trophies are trying to send the meringues to Klaus Iohannis. They all asked questions, feeling the extraordinary pressure of public opinion in the back of their heads. If you don’t take this pressure into account, you will be forever disqualified as a journalist. The questions from the journalists, the problems raised by them, all derived from the signals received by the press from all over the country, were under the sign of the belief that the president, taking note of the realities that may be hidden by the Government , for the advisers, will intervene critically. , will request troubleshooting, provide solutions.

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A faith that turned out to be an illusion.

It was almost an hour of devastating futility.

The President attended the press conference with the obvious objective of praising the Government for the masterful manner with which it prepared the opening of the school year under Pandemic conditions.

The new school year will open on Monday, September 14, 2020. Only on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 or at the latest on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, will it be known if the school year opened without problems. We do not know if the opening will be a success or a disaster for the Government. We will know, I repeat, only after it opens. If the meeting with the journalists had taken place on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, after the opening of the school year it would have been a success, the praise brought to the Government for the brilliant way in which it prepared the opening would have been more or less acceptable. Although, given the condition of president of the referee and not of the electoral party of the Government, even the praise of the natural – the good preparation of the opening – sounds like hell in the electoral campaign and a president somewhat aware of his position would avoid them.

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But to come on September 9, 2020, five days before the opening of the new school year and say that everything is fine, that there is no problem, with few exceptions, to praise the government for the excellent preparation of the opening is already serious. . damage to the national interest.

The office of President of Romania was provided by the Constitution as above internal political realities precisely to ensure his extraordinary moral authority.

A moral authority imposed by the national interest to have, in moments of balance for the country, a Leader to intervene with all the authority of his function.

The press conference on September 9, 2020 was a new moment in the anti-national process of compromising the position of President of Klaus Iohannis.

As in previous conferences, the president had no other purpose than to publicize an election to a party, the PNL.

On this occasion, Klaus Iohannis violated the Constitution again. In the middle of the electoral campaign, he indicated to the institutions of the Forces System his desire for a party of the PNL to obtain a historical record and directly attacked, without hesitation, the main competitor of the PNL in the two electoral rounds: the PSD.

This is just one aspect of the irreparable commitment of the presidency.

The other, much worse, concerns the funny way in which he announced Klaus Iohannis to the Government.

Everyone who has been active in the press in the last years of Nicolae Ceausescu knows that nothing was more risky than embellishing the socio-economic disaster of Nicolae Ceausescu’s politics. Shit – it was said in the newsrooms – it sucks, and if you try to present it as a cake you risk doing shit yourself. And that risk came not only from the fact that you were falsifying an obvious reality, lived by all readers, but also from the involuntary comic that forced you to praise what it was to criticize and not to praise.

Klaus Iohannis, who has long been a government spokesman, was forced to present shit like cake at a press conference on Wednesday September 9, 2020. The result was a series of statements like Giga’s thoughts, He laughed out loud and I’m sure he will laugh at for years to come. Ionut Cristache, whose humor made me propose to him on a television program a dialogue entitled Cristache and Cristoiu, sent me some pearls of Klaus Iohannis’ answers to the uncomfortable questions from the press:

“Children quickly get used to things even less pleasant.”

“We are the people of Earth who all want a vaccine.”

“My opinion is that it is not good to organize these parties.”

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In Cora Muntean also reproduced other pearls of presidential thought that justify the Government:

“Problems are best solved where they occur.”

“Obviously, I’m unhappy, but my unhappiness is not just about someone who couldn’t get the manual, but the whole system doesn’t seem to work.”

“We have come to prepare for Monday when school starts and the vast majority, as I said, thousands and thousands of schools are ready, children are ready, parents can’t wait to start school.”

“I demand that after the parliamentary elections we take our work very seriously.”

To these I would add the fabulous answer to the question:

`There are four more days for classes to start. What solution will the government communicate that it has found for the 168,000 children who currently do not have access to online education?

Klaus Iohannis replied, in the fullness of presidential powers, that there is no problem: the pandemic is going to last longer and it is time, therefore, for the tablets to reach children before the pandemic ends.

It is as if they told Marshal Antonescu that the soldiers at the front no longer have ammunition and he would respond, it is nothing, the war is still going on, we will have time to carry ammunition to the end.

NOTE: This editorial is taken in its entirety from
