Cristian Gațu makes incredible revelations, 31 years after the revolution: “The bodies of Ceausescus were thrown from the helicopter!” | News, News Romania | Freedom


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At the age of 75, Cristian Gațu, two-time world champion, in 1970 and 1974, as well as a double Olympic medalist, with silver and bronze, in the 1976 and 1972 editions, respectively, participated in the show “Amigos de Ovidio”, on gsp .com. He made an X-ray of his career and recounted incredible episodes that he lived.

One of them, in December 1989.

“I was the head of the device in Ghencea. General Stanculescu called me on December 22 and told me that some people would come, but also where a helicopter would land:” I’m going there, open the door and come to see you. ” a TAB, a jeep and a Volkswagen. Until I closed the doors, only Stanculescu was waiting for me. The rest had already boarded the two helicopters. I did not see them … It was before he left for Târgoviște! But I did not know ” says Gațu.

“They threw their bodies into the field”

Gațu remembers the return of the helicopters to Bucharest: “In the second there were two suitcases. And the pilot threw them at Ghencea, at the back of the Steaua field, where I was on the corner with the First Army. I didn’t know what was there, in bags … Gelu Voican Voiculescu asked Stanculescu that some boys carry the bags, but that I go with them. We looked for what we were looking for, we didn’t find anything, at that moment we said: “Let your crows eat!” Meanwhile, someone else had recovered them. “

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After a few hours in which he didn’t know what was in the bags, Gațu found out, also from Victor Atanasie Stănculescu. “I asked him if it was them … He made a gesture at me. And I was glad: good that he solved them, good that he killed them! That’s why I still go to church to apologize for not doing the right thing. So it was a wave of enthusiasm. ”

Cristian Gațu makes incredible revelations, 31 years after the Revolution:
Image with the helicopter that seized the Ceausescus from the headquarters of the Central Committee | Photo Archive

“The bodies were wrapped in tent sheets”

The bodies of Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu, executed on December 25, 1989 in Târgovişte, were lost for almost 12 hours in the fields around Steaua Stadium. Finally, the “packages” were recovered and taken to the Military Hospital.

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Cristian Gațu makes incredible revelations, 31 years after the Revolution:
Nicolae Ceaușescu and his last speech to the Romanians, from the Central Committee building | Photo: TV capture

Panel member Gelu Voican Voiculescu said in an interview with Jurnalul National: “When I arrived at Steaua Stadium it was night. The paratroopers had to wait for General Stanculescu to arrive with two ambulances, to take care of the corpses wrapped in sheets. All the time, the paratroopers were stressed that they would be executed, so they decided not to wait, they left the bodies near a fence and left ”.

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