CRAZY Begins: Trump’s Men Want SANCTION for China for Covid-19 Spread – News Source


Republican senators on Tuesday introduced a bill that would allow President Donald Trump to impose sanctions on China if Beijing does not provide a “full report” on the new coronavirus pandemic, AFP and Reuters report.

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“The Chinese Communist Party must be held accountable for its disastrous role in the pandemic,” said Senator Jim Inhofe, one of the initiators of the “COVID-19 Civil Liability Law.”

“His delusions about the origin and spread of the virus have led to loss of life and precious time,” the senator said in a statement.

The law would give President Trump 60 days to assure Congress that Beijing has provided full explanations of the epidemic to any investigation by the United States and its allies or a UN agency such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

The President of the United States must also testify that the Chinese authorities have closed their high-risk markets and released Hong Kong activists arrested in post-coronavirus crackdowns.

Donald Trump would obtain the right, under this law, to impose sanctions such as asset freezes, entry bans or visa revocation. It could also restrict Chinese companies’ access to US banks and capital markets. USA

“China refuses to allow the international community to agree to conduct research in the Wuhan laboratory,” said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, another supporter of the bill, the city where the virus appeared in December.

The Trump administration accuses the Chinese authorities of late warning the world of the epidemic, of hiding its scale, and therefore of being responsible for its global spread, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the current economic crisis. previous.

At the same time, United States President and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo openly suspects that Beijing was hiding an accident in a laboratory in Wuhan that caused the pandemic.
