Cozmin Gușă: It’s CHAOS in the United States! Democracy has come to be imitated and fraud is huge – Source news


Political analyst Cozmin Gușă affirms that the US elections generate unprecedented chaos, a chaos that buries all the values ​​promoted by the United States in recent years. Gusa shows that accusations of electoral fraud, but also the fact that one of the candidates is censored, destroys the American base and freedom of expression.

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DEMOCRACY in any state is transparently certified when political elections are not rigged. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION in a country is also accurately verified in elections, when all important candidates would have access to the media and the truth would be told equally to each of them. It is clear that these criteria have not been met for a long time in Romania, but the premises of CHAOS that I evoke are related to the fact that the USA shows the whole world that these two fundamentals, DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, on the who built their STRENGTH and PROSPERITY, they just sprayed.

TRUMP, as incumbent president (!), So with power in hand, responsible for a kind of election and potential winner last night, announced yesterday that the electoral process is fraudulent in the United States. From the false votes identified, to the number of voters exceeding the number of registered voters in many localities, plus the vote count and after the Republican observers were sent home in some Democratic-led states, etc., all of these elements they show us a FAILED ELECTORAL PROCESS IN THE US, compared to which the presidential elections of 4 days ago in the disgusting Republic of Moldova, can be an example of organization and fairness. It’s right here! And the fact that this is happening in the United States, the place where we in the former communist states are mainly inspired to build our democracies, leaves us WITHOUT a Milestone in the first place.

The clumsy and unconscious way in which the American media has acted in recent years seems almost unbelievable to many today. Of course, Trump had to be heavily criticized for many of his actions or demonstrations. But the press there has been strictly concerned with inventing and spreading “trumpet” conspiracies on the Russia-China line, dismantled one by one through legal investigations, and today the well-informed see clearly that this harmful Eurasian collaborationism for the United States is more attributable to Democrats or even Biden personally. At the same time, the US press avoided both the proven acts of corruption of former Obama vice president from their reports, and worse still, journalists did not cover the multiple public events that showed Biden’s severely affected mental health. I do it INAPT for the position of president of the most powerful country in the world. Fatally, yesterday Biden confused his nieces and evoked the presence of his son who had been dead for several years! This was in the wake of the disappearance of free speech, a fact agreed by Americans as a sacrosanct right and enshrined in the strongest amendment to the US Constitution.

A nightmare week is approaching in the United States and in the world, in the context that Trump and his team have already challenged the elections in several states. Notable Republicans and public commentators have already launched public calls for their supporters to take to the streets to defend their votes, and this call is in a country where civilians have more than 300 million firearms and many parade with them on the street. since March 2020! In parallel, the organized armies of ANTIFA or BLACK LIVES MATTER, with fascist slogans and ideals, have begun to march menacingly in the streets since yesterday, issuing anti-Trump slogans.

Edward Behr, a renowned NEWSWEEK reporter, published 25 years ago a book that I read in 1997 in the United States where I was then, a book that upset and shook me, entitled “AN AMERICA FEAR.” The author’s short description of what he wrote sounds like this:

“If I speak of a terrifying United States, it is because I notice a degradation of this society, the emergence of a separatism not only ethnic, but also sexual, supported by new dogmas. A multicultural wooden language, under the pretext of protecting certain marginal segments of society, has only achieved the opposite effect: a growing animosity between social groups. “

Brave and visionary, Behr then outlined the systemic flaws and social impulses in America, which were real then, but have been fermenting over the past 25 years, and now is the time for them to erupt in public.

Let’s see if the Americans, but also the rest of us, will have the power and the solutions to resist, UNDER HUMAN CONDITIONS, the global mega-shock caused by the 2020 US elections … ”, writes Cozmin Gușă.
