Covid-19 vaccine in pizza boxes. Stăncel, public health expert: the problem is this


Public health expert Ioana Stăncel commented for DC News about the situation of anti-Covid vaccines transported in pizza boxes.

The decision of the Cantacuzino Institute to transport the COVID vaccine in pizza boxes has sparked much discussion. A statement from the Institute said that due to the holidays, when packaging suppliers were out of service, boxes taken off the market were needed. Although it was initially questioned that the situation in question might have endangered the quality of the serum, this is not the case.

Public health expert Ioana Stăncel told us, on the subject, that “for the first time I thought it was a joke.”

However, Ioana Stăncel drew DC News attention that “there are new boxes” and “the fact that they are printed with * pizza * doesn’t bother me. The key is that, from a technical point of view, they have guaranteed the safety of both the cold chain and the integrity of the vials.. “

Ioana Stăncel: The problem is perception, image

“It is true that at this time and knowing that vaccines are coming, there should have been better planning, preparation in such a way as to avoid situations that compromise everyone’s effort. People start joking around and nobody takes it seriously anymore. In terms of safety and risk, no problem. The problem is perception, image and we are a nation of jokes. ”Explained Ioana Stăncel for DC News.

The public health expert also told us that “if there had been adequate planning in this National Vaccination Committee, they would have known that these doses were going to arrive, that they had to be redistributed, reassembled in several boxes and could have been manufacturers of waxes. At least in terms of packaging and cardboard, Romania has international producers. I don’t think I would have made the effort to meet the entire country in a week. “

“This stage and operation were not taken into account and there was no cooperation, it was not a multisectoral approach,” said Ioana Stăncel, emphasizing that the situation was perhaps due to a lack of experience in the management component.

Essential safety and efficacy objectives have been achieved. The boxes did not contaminate anything.“Concluded public health expert Ioana Stăncel.
