COVID-19, second wave. WHO, warning: already appears


The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm and says the second wave of infections with the new coronavirus has already started.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, technical coordinator of the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 response team, warned that the new coronavirus is starting to reappear in several places where it has already been suppressed, writes CNN. Van Kerkhove said that several of the sites that have successfully suppressed virus transmission are now facing a second wave of infections. He gave examples from South Korea, Singapore, and Wuhan, the city in China where the virus started.

He explained that the reasons that led to the reappearance of the virus differ from place to place, for example, in Seoul it started in nightclubs, while in Singapore the outbreak is mainly concentrated in the area of ​​the homes where immigrants live. works in the metropolis.

“But what is really important is that in China, Korea or Singapore, there are systems to quickly identify the virus and track the contacts of those infected,” Van Kerkhove told CNN.

“Also, they never let their guard down. This is a lesson for all countries. The virus likes to find opportunities to reappear, to grow again. And we have to be prepared for that,” said the WHO expert, according to Mediafax.

Restrictions, high

Several countries are quick to lift the restrictions imposed during the pandemic, but Van Kerkhove says he should consider certain problems before doing so. “What is the risk of recurrence? Do we really have the situation under control? Do we have rapid case identification systems? Can we quickly identify contacts? Do we have hospital beds? If the answer is no, then it should be seriously considered the possibility of not being prepared to lift the restrictions, “said Van Kerkhove.
