“COVID-19 does not exist!” A patient left ATI, although doctors begged him not to go home


A 68-year-old man arrived at “Dr. CI Parhon ”from Iaşi, being confirmed positive for the new coronavirus. He was admitted directly to the Intensive Care Unit because he could not breathe. He also needed dialysis, as he suffered from acute kidney failure. After a few days, when he had started to feel better, the man from Iași asked to go home, being one of those who believes that the virus is not so dangerous.

“The man did not need intubation, the dialysis sessions and the treatment administered in ATI greatly improved his general health. These risks were explained to him, both from the perspective that it could infect other members of the family, and from the perspective of the need to continue dialysis sessions, ”explained conf. Dr. Ionuţ Nistor, chief nephrologist and spokesperson for the “Parhon” Hospital, according to ziaruldeiasi.ro.

Iași doctors hope the man will return to the hospital in serious condition or even die at home.

“The risks to which you are exposed are multiple: you run the risk of developing a complication associated with kidney failure, which causes a rhythm disorder due to the fact that potassium is not eliminated, which is called hyperkalemia, since it is a life-threatening risk. There are also risks of infectious diseases in an elderly patient with chronic disease. But the decision was his, after seeing that he was better, “said doctor Ionuţ Nistor.

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