COVID-19 – Collective immunity, far from being achieved in Spain (study) – News by sources


Just over 5% of Spaniards have developed antibodies against Covid-19, so that collective immunity is far from being achieved, according to the first data of a study carried out at a national level, cited by TVE, notes

About 2.3 million people have been cured of the disease and have antibodies, according to a study commissioned by the Ministry of Health.

The partial results, announced Wednesday night, reflect a huge difference from a geographical point of view. In the areas with the highest spread rate, the figures are five times higher than in the areas with the lowest spread of the disease.

Ceuta, Murcia, Melilla, Asturias and the Canary Islands have an incidence of less than 2%, and in the communities of Castilla-La Mancha and Madrid it exceeds 10%. Most of the people with antibodies against Covid-19 are found in the provinces of Soria (14.2%), Cuenca (13.5%), Segovia (12.6%), Albacete (11.6%), Madrid (11, 3%) and Ciudad Real (11.1%).

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The results are very different from those presented in late March in a study by Imperial College London, which showed that 7 million Spaniards were infected with the new coronavirus. According to the first data of the new study, in Spain there were just over 2.3 million people who were cured of the disease, and a third of them, 750,000, are in the community of Madrid and 400,000 in the province of Barcelona.

Furthermore, the study shows a big difference between the number of officially registered cases and the real ones. All countries that have been affected by the pandemic may be in the same situation.

As of Thursday, 228,691 cases had been confirmed by PCR tests. Of this total, recorded since the beginning of the epidemic in Spain, 140,823 people have been declared cured.

Collective or group immunity is still far from being achieved. The immune barrier that prevents the virus from circulating is obtained when a high percentage of people develop antibodies. Epidemiologists estimate that 60% to 70% of the population would be needed for this.

The 5% rate shows, according to the health authorities, the importance of maintaining and complying with the measures during the relaxation period.

The results obtained also help to recalculate mortality. Currently, with 27,104 deaths and the approximately 230,000 officially registered cases, the rate is 11.9%. According to the new calculations, the mortality rate is around 1%.

The study began on April 27 and aims to estimate the degree of immunization of the Spanish population against Covid-19. The first results were obtained from samples taken from more than 60,900 people. Some of the analyzes were performed in the laboratory, and some by rapid tests. The study will last 8 weeks, in three stages, at an interval of 21 days.
