COVID-19. Acad. Victor Voicu: This time it was CRITICAL. Huge strangeness


Academician Victor Voicu, vice president of the Romanian Academy, agrees with US diplomats on criticism from the WHO.

“This time it was critical – n.r. from the moment the virus appeared until it was confirmed by the WHO. A crisis like this is a huge rarity, there were no resources to react.” Acad said. Victor Voicu, in Antena 3.

“In crisis, you must be prepared beforehand to behave appropriately, with means and resources.” explained the vice president of the Romanian Academy.

Acad. Victor Voicu emphasized that there was a need for people prepared to identify “what is this biological aggression of such efficiency, such capacity to inactivate this modern, high-performance, but extremely vulnerable human society”.

“If he had ever told people that we are extremely vulnerable, he would have said Why does this speak nonsense?. That is reality and here is the proof, because science has many facets and if science does not find its way to the benefit of man … let’s talk about artificial intelligence once, “concluded the academic.
