Cove, confirmed with COVID-19. The presenter told live what the symptoms were


Gabriel Coveşanu, the host of the program “The world talks” was confirmed with Sars-CoV-2. Cove confessed live to his colleague Adela Popescu what the symptoms were and how he coped with the isolation.

“In short, the story is this. Before Christmas, because a good friend felt that my nose was a bit congested, she said that it would not be good for you to take an exam to see how you are doing, because perhaps at Christmas you will visit your parents, relatives, etc. . Further away.

I did a test and I tested positive. From that moment on, I isolated myself from everyone. I have been in solitary confinement for more than ten days. The good thing about all of this is that luckily I didn’t have any serious symptoms except that stuffy nose that lasted a couple of days and a mild dry cough. Otherwise, I didn’t have any other problems, nothing hurt me, ”Cove said.

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