Countries affected by the “second wave” of the pandemic. Governments have reimposed containment measures


Feared around the world, the “second wave” of the coronavirus pandemic has increased in several countries, where governments have reimposed special measures.

At Israel, the infection rate in this country is increasing, with 153,217 cases of COVID-19, of which 1,103 deaths, in a population of 9 million.

According to data collected by AFP, cited by Agerpres, Israel It is the second country in the world with the most new cases of coronavirus per capita in the last two weeks, after Bahrain. The state became the first country severely affected by the coronavirus Sunday night to re-impose isolation measures across the country for at least three weeks.

New containment measures, at least in part, will also go into effect on Monday Jakarta, after a worsening of the epidemic, three months after the lifting of the restrictions.

The second wave also points UK, where more than 3,500 new cases of COVID-19 were registered on Friday, according to government figures, the worst daily balance since May 17. And the reproduction rate of the coronavirus (called “R”) is currently between 1 and 1.2, that is, above the level that leads to an acceleration of contamination cases.

“The rule of six” in England

As of Monday, in England (but not elsewhere in the UK) a strict restriction has been in place on gatherings attended by more than six people from different households. This restriction applies indoors and outdoors, except at schools, workplaces, weddings, or funerals.

On Tuesday all gatherings between friends or family will be banned in Birmingham, the second most populous city in the United Kingdom, according to a decision by local authorities. The locals can still go to cafes, restaurants, or shops, but they cannot meet other people from different households.

‘The second wave’‘has always been an expression of dread. This has become a reality, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Sunday, warning that Austria it is “at the beginning of the second wave” and the number of new cases per day will soon be exceeded. Kurz called on the population to strictly comply with the measures against the epidemic and reduce contacts as much as possible.

As of Monday, the masks that are already imposed in supermarkets and public transport become compulsory in all commercial units and public buildings in Austria.

The same concern manifests itself in Czech Republic, which registered on Saturday, for the third day in a row, a record number of contagion cases, with 1,541 new cases, according to the Minister of Health. This country with a population of 10.7 million is currently one of the three member states of the European Union where the daily progression of the virus is the fastest, after France and Italy. However, the latter two states conduct twice as many tests for the new coronavirus.

At France, on Saturday the symbolic threshold of 10,000 new cases in 24 hours was exceeded, a record since the launch of large-scale tests in the country.

Back to school in Italy

In Italy, on Monday, most of the roughly eight million students return to school after six months of school closure. An immediate quarantine will be imposed on those who have “come into close contact” with any student or teacher who has tested positive for COVID-19.

This return to school is marked by restrictions such as distancing, the creation of 5,000 new classes and the expansion of almost 5,000 old classes, hand washing (the Government has promised 170,000 liters of hydroalcoholic gel and it will be provided weekly) and the use mandatory mask. Approximately 11 million masks will be provided free of charge to teachers and students on a daily basis.

Instead, the government of Venezuela decided not to resume school until 2021.

South Korea in turn, he decided on Monday to reduce anti-coronavirus restrictions for the 25 million people in the Seoul region. However, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun plans to impose restrictions during the country’s great transhumance, which takes place every year in late September during the Chuseok holidays.

Authorities supervising protection measures sometimes encounter resistance from the population and are forced to take tough measures. The police in Australia More than 70 people who demonstrated against the restrictive measures were arrested in Melbourne on Sunday.

Protests over isolation and the way government authorities handled the pandemic also took place on Sunday in Argentina.

At least 921,097 people around the world have died since the World Health Organization (WHO) office in China reported the COVID-19 disease in late December 2019, according to a report released by AFP on Sunday.

More than 28,819,490 cases of infection with the new coronavirus have been officially diagnosed, of which at least 19,133,300 are currently considered cured.

U.S They are the worst affected, both in terms of deaths and cases, with 194,033 deaths in 6,516,861 cases reviewed, according to the Johns Hopkins University report.
