Cosmin Contra joked live with Pablo Cortacero: “He told me that he sent the money yesterday, but he did it 6 more times.”


  • Football club, Thursday, 19:30, Digi Sport 1

  • Digi Sport Special, Thursday, 21:30, Digi Sport 1

Contra spoke with Pablo Cortacero, and the Dinamo boss told him that he had just transferred the money and the amount should reach the team’s account. Contra was ironic and said that this had happened six times and that the money never made it to Romania:

“The situation is what you know, the money has not yet come in, although for two months it has been promised that the economic problems will be solved. We are not talking only at the first team level, I mean all the employees of Dinamo It is a more complex problem, it is a difficult situation.

On the sporting side, the team lost some games although it is not worth losing. It is my duty and that of the players to get the team out of the bottom of the rankings. That is the only goal that concerns me at the moment.

Cosmin Contra: “Yesterday I spoke with Pablo Cortacero, he said he sent the money”

There is discontent among the players, of course, but we are all in this situation. We have to close ranks, it is a very difficult moment and we have to show that we are professionals from a sporting point of view. We will try to do our job very well, we need a victory for things to calm down in sports.

Yesterday I spoke with Pablo Cortacero. He told me the money was sent yesterday, but let’s see when it arrives. This money was sent about six times and did not arrive. For a month and a half there have been promises every week, but this does not happen. We have to win games, that is our only motivation, that is what we transmit to the players. We have good training conditions in Săftica, from this point of view there are no problems “said Comsin Contra, during the Football Club show, live on Digi Sport.

Dinamo has until November 30 to pay its debts. Otherwise, you risk scoring.

FRF sent a letter to the club Dynamo announcing that sanctions will continue if these last debts will not be paid.

Dynamo it violated two articles of the national regulation on club licenses and financial fair play. According to the FRF, Dynamo declared quite high debts accumulated until June 30, 2020, which violates the provisions of the regulations.

According to the regulation, Dynamo You risk receiving three points for each item violated. The “dogs” violated art. 60 par. 2 and art. 61 par. 2. The first article deals with outstanding debts with other football clubs and the second article deals with debts with employees.

In other words, yes Dynamo You will not be able to pay until the end of November all the debts accumulated until June 30, 2020, the club will be discounted with six points! At the moment, the team has 5 points and is in the penultimate place in the ranking.

So the new Spanish shareholders, represented by Pablo Cortacero, have an extremely short time to get money.

Tags: cosmin against , dynamo trainer , Football club , dynamo driving , dynamo pattern , Pablo Cortacero
