Cortacero and his men want to flee


The “Spanish business” becomes the biggest hoax in Romanian football! Dinamo is pressured by the Federation to pay off debts and is threatened with dismissal, the players do not get paid. Pablo Cortacero insisted at one point that he was willing to inject several million into the club, then affirmed that he would present, instead of cash, a bank guarantee worth 19 million euros.

More recently, Cortacero announced that he had contracted the coronavirus and that because of this he would not be able to fulfill the promises he had made for the moment.

They only created debt

In reality, Pablo and his men are wasting their time and hope to pass the club on to someone else. Instead, try to find a person or company to take over the financing of the team.

They took over the leadership of Dinamo this summer. They promised to fundamentally reform the club, with large investments, with the development of a high-performance youth center, following the model used in Spanish football.

Its activity was reduced, in fact, to the hiring of new footballers, almost an entire team, with the highest salaries of the entire championship. There are players who earn more than 30,000 euros a month! FCSB and Craiova don’t even come close to these expenses, not even the CFR champion pays that much.

The salary budget has reached half a million euros per month, which implies a need of more than 6 million euros for a whole season, including other expenses.. Television rights are worth 900,000 euros for this season, so a shareholder willing to consume more than 5 million euros out of his own pocket is needed, just to ensure current activity. There are the last debts, around 5 million euros.

Creditors knock on your door

The investment made by the Spanish is also a debt for Dinamo. They credited the club with 600,000 euros, an amount that they have to recover now. And they are pressured, in turn, by creditors. Club sources assure that Pablo and the others borrowed the 600,000 euros, and the creditors have appeared and are asking for the money to be returned to them now!

From the income generated by the club, they could not pay this amount, they cannot pay their current salaries or small debts from the past. Dănciulescu has to recover 20,000 lei. Dinamo does not even have this amount, they could not pay the former team manager, who Cortacero and his entourage immediately fired as they appeared in Romania.

The only possible way out would be to find a real investor who would take care of all the problems that Negoiță and Cortacero created and assume their solution. That is what the Iberians are trying to do.

VIDEO Cosmin Contra: “Until now, the Spanish have not put in the money! I did not take money and I hope it is not just a word project “

I have the impression that the Spanish take us all for fools! They kept saying that they were uncovering the latter’s debts, which is impossible. Before negotiating a company, an audit is carried out that reflects the existing debts. The buyer assumes that if something unknown occurs, the debit falls on the former owner.
– Narcis Răducan, former manager of FCSB

“Cortacero was just an arrow”

Ioan Becali had a good opinion of the Spanish when they took charge of Dinamo. The agent changed his mind in the meantime, after noticing the actions of the Iberians.

“I didn’t say that everything will be fine at Dinamo, I just said that the only person I know, Juan Melero, is a serious person. He did not know the others. In my opinion, this is the biggest hoax of the last 80 years! Melero was never directly involved, he coordinated the business from behind.

He launched Cortacero forward and when he saw that the “rocket” was not following orders, he withdrew, “Giovanni commented on DigiSport TV. Contra also said he did not know Cortacero, sports director Collado and the others. Newcomers to Dinamo:” I only knew Melero, he convinced me to accept the offer. “It’s just that Melero, Getafe’s former economic director, was not a financier either. Those who know him rule out the possibility that he has so much money that he could afford to finance a football club professional.

They lose as many points as they did not win

The federation ordered Dinamo to urgently pay the debts it had accumulated up to June 30, 2020. FRF’s financial monitoring department noted that the rojiblancos violated the financial fair play regulation on two points: debts with other soccer clubs and debts with their own employees. If it does not pay off its debts by the end of this month, Dinamo will lose 6 points in the ranking. More of the team managed to win on the field! Contra and his players accumulated 5 points in 9 stages.

At the end of November, he would have time to accumulate points, so as not to appear with a negative score in the ranking. Dinamo is second to last now, one point above Astra. Last season ended in a relegated place, but FRF decided to increase the first league from 14 clubs to 16 and thus the “dogs” remained in the elite echelon. The Federation’s leadership also indicates that Bogdan Bălănescu remained CEO, despite the fact that the Spanish had announced that they had replaced him and also publicly presented a new CEO, the Spanish Alex Couto Lago.

Does Badea return with his Dinamo?

Nicolae Badea recently warned the Professional Football League not to use the name FC Dinamo Bucharest in reference to the first division team, as the rights to this mark belong to his club, which is in League 4.

“We respectfully draw your attention to the fact that, if FC Dinamo Bucharest still appears in its official documents and communications, we will have to go to court, because there is confusion between the two football entities. The name of the entity of the former! League is SC Dinamo 1948 SA! ”, Specifies the letter signed by Marius Bacria, the administrator of the Fotbal Club Dinamo Bucharest company, controlled by Badea. Ioan Becali recently suggested that a solution to save Dinamo would be the merger between League 1’s company and L4’s Badea’s.

But the merger would also mean taking over the debts, so it would not be convenient for Badea. A more plausible scenario: as Dinamo de Cortacero heads for bankruptcy, the tradition of the “dogs” should continue with the club now at “D”. After Rapid and Steaua, Dinamo would be another great team rebooted from the fourth step. Giuleşti people have already gone up to “B”, the “military” are in “C”.

VIDEO Cosmin Contra announces the Apocalypse at Dinamo: “They didn’t offer me the job to do all the books at the club!”

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