Coronavirus. Rules on public transportation after exiting state of emergency


Authorities announced Saturday what the rules for operating public transport might be after the state’s emergency exit on May 15.

The rules for the operation of public transport after the exit from the state of emergency and the transition to the state of alert (May 15) were announced on Saturday, and the INSP made them with decisive transparency:

Find here all the relaxation measures that will apply from May 15 in Romania

General rules for the organization and management of passenger transport.

1. Access to the means of transportation is conditioned by the mandatory use of a medical or non-medical mask that covers the mouth and nose;

2. The maximum number of passengers allowed shall be limited to not more than half of the vehicle’s maximum transport capacity and within a distance of at least one meter between the passengers;

3. Employees will be instructed to stay home if they have been directly exposed to the virus and / or have symptoms (fever, shortness of breath, dry cough). Daily triage of employees will be carried out, maintaining the distance of 1 meter, by means of an interview and thermometry before entering the shift.

4. Make sure the ventilation rate of the air conditioning system is maximized (without recirculating indoor air) and keep windows open (when possible) while the vehicle is running.

5. The vehicle must be cleaned and disinfected before entering the route, as well as afterwards, in an interval of no more than 4 hours. For vehicles traveling more than 4 hours, the vehicle must be cleaned and disinfected at the beginning and end of the trip. Dry sweeping and other mechanical actions on potentially contaminated surfaces will be avoided to reduce the possibility of virus spread. Wet cleaning methods will be used.

6. Information on measures to prevent COVID-19 infection will be permanently communicated through radio broadcasting stations, where they exist.

7. Drivers have the obligation to maintain their social distance during breaks and rest periods on the road, avoiding contact with other people (drivers, passengers, people adjacent to the route, etc.).

8. During boarding / disembarking, as well as during the journey, passengers must observe a distance of at least one meter from each other.

Specific rules to organize and carry out the transport of people by categories.

I. Intraurban public surface transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, minibus)

1. The transport companies will take the measure of separating the compartment dedicated to the driver from the rest of the space destined for the transport of passengers;

2. The places allowed for the transport of passengers will be marked with a visible green sign to maintain a distance of at least one meter between the passengers;

3. For vehicles with at least two doors, access inside the vehicle will only take place at the door at the front of the vehicle and the descent at the other door (s);

4. For minibuses that carry intra-urban transport, only the transport of people in the seats is allowed, in accordance with the general rules presented above.

II. Interurban / international road transport (bus, coach, minibus)

1. The places allowed for the transport of passengers will be marked with a visible green sign so that a distance of at least one meter is maintained between the passengers;

2. The transport companies will take the measure of separating the compartment dedicated to the driver from the rest of the space dedicated to the transport of passengers;

3. For vehicles with at least two doors, access inside the vehicle will only be made through the door in the front of the vehicle and will descend through the other door (s).

III. Public transport by rail

1. The places allowed for the transport of passengers will be marked with a visible green sign so that a distance of at least one meter is maintained between the passengers;

2. For sleeper cars or sleeping cars, only one passenger per compartment is allowed, except for members of the same family;

3. It is prohibited to include restaurant cars in the list;

4. It is mandatory for wagon toilets to provide running water, liquid soap and hand sanitizer.

IV. Transport of people by metro in the underground and aerial railway network

1. The places allowed for the transport of passengers, both for standing transport and for transport in the seats, shall be marked with a visible green sign so that a distance of at least one meter is maintained between the passengers;

2. Access to the metro stations will be controlled so that passengers can maintain a distance of at least one meter from each other on the waiting platforms.

How to submit proposals to change the rules

The National Institute of Public Health published on Saturday in decisive transparency the proposal on the set of relaxation measures that will be applied after the lifting of the state of emergency.

All comments and proposals from interested parties can be sent to the email address [email protected]
