Coronavirus. Rules of operation of beauty salons and hairdressers after leaving the state of emergency.


Authorities recently announced what the rules could be for the operation of beauty salons and hairdressers after leaving the state of emergency on May 15.

The rules for the operation of beauty salons and hairdressing salons after exiting the state of emergency and moving to the state of alert (May 15) were announced on Saturday, and the INSP put decisive transparency:

Find here all the relaxation measures that will apply from May 15 in Romania

Rules for organizing and carrying out personal care activities in specially designed spaces.

1. The activity of personal care means the activity carried out in spaces specially designed for hairdressing, hairdressing, manicures, pedicures and cosmetics.

2. Access to these services is done by appointment, so that there are no people waiting inside the facilities, ensuring a minimum area of ​​4 square meters for each client and a minimum distance of 2 m, between 2 people nearby;

3. When making the appointment, the client will be informed that access to the facilities will be carried out only after verifying the temperature, which should not exceed 370, subject to the absence of symptoms of respiratory viruses and hand disinfection. The economic operator has the obligation to provide the necessary materials and substances.

4. Employed personnel are required to wear gloves and a mask at all times, and after each client, instruments and work surfaces will be disinfected.

5. The protective masks used by the staff will be changed in a maximum interval of 4 hours, and the gloves will be disinfected after each client.

6. The room will be ventilated at a maximum interval of 2 hours.

How to submit proposals to change the rules

The National Institute of Public Health published on Saturday in decisive transparency the proposal on the set of relaxation measures that will be applied after the lifting of the state of emergency.

All comments and proposals from interested parties can be sent to the email address [email protected]
