Coronavirus Romania, LIVE UPDATE May 10. More than 15,000 cases and 945 deaths


Coronavirus Romania, May 10. The balance exceeded 15,000 people infected with coronavirus in Romania, and the number of people who died due to COVID-19 reached 945 on Saturday. However, there are almost 7,000 people healed.


The next official balance will be announced at 13:00. Find official data updated in real time here.

UPDATE 10:50 Six new deaths in Romania due to coronavirus

940 kills

Male, 86 years old, Vaslui County.

Confirmation date: 05.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: oscillating hypertension. Cortical atrophy. Dementia. Organic personality disorder.

Deaths 941

Female, 86 years old, Satu Mare County

Confirmation date: 25.04.2020.
Date of death: 09.05.2020.
Comorbidities: head pancreas standard neoplasm. IV, hepato-renal failure.

Deaths 942

Female, 47 years old, Alba County.

Confirmation date: 04.28.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: cervical adenocarcinoma, post thyroid hypothyroidism, type II diabetes, degree of obesity. III, HTA grd. I.

Deaths 943

Male, 57 years old, Alba County.

Confirmation date: 07.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: chronic alcoholism, acute withdrawal.

Death 944

Woman, 82 years old, Dâmbovița county.

Confirmation date: 04/21/2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: type II diabetes, paroxysmal FiA, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease.

Death 945

Woman, 87 years old, Galati County.

Confirmation date: 25.04.2020.
Date of death: 09.05.2020.
Comorbidities: dementia, hypertension, chronic rapid ventricular FiA, Alzheimer’s disease, psychotic disorder.

Saturday’s assessment of the COVID-19 epidemic in Romania

The balance reached 15,131 cases and 939 deaths on Saturday night, but the number of cured also increased to 6,912, being discharged. The average age of people infected with COVID-19 remains 46 years.

In addition, since the entry into force of Military Ordinance no. 2 and so far, 2,284 people have been placed in institutionalized quarantine who did not respect the period of self-isolation. 198 people in quarantine left the place where they were located, for which the quarantine measure was ordered for a new period of 14 days.

No more people infected with coronavirus in Brăila county

Brăila County no longer has any patients infected with COVID-19, the 22 cases of infection with the new type of coronavirus that have existed in the county since the start of the pandemic were cured and discharged, according to information published on Saturday by the Prefect of Brăila Cătălin Boboc.

“All people in Brăila infected with the new coronavirus are cured! We have the best medical staff! Thank you. I am bowing,” Cătălin Boboc wrote in her socialization account.

Therefore, the last three confirmed patients with COVID-19 were discharged from the Brăila County Emergency Hospital, and the cases were declared cured, Agerpres reports.

Relaxation measures, from May 15.

Meanwhile, Romania is preparing for great relaxation. After the end of the state of emergency, when the restrictions are no longer in place, we will be able to leave the houses, go to church, to the hairdresser or to the dentist.

However, there will be enough recommendations to protect us from the Covid 19 threat: from wearing protective masks indoors, to avoiding congestion or disinfection with alcohol-based antiseptics.

After May 15, when the state of emergency ceases and implicitly the restrictions imposed by military ordinances, we will have much more freedom of movement. Precisely because they await the agglomeration of urban areas, the National Institute of Public Health wants the relaxation to be carried out in accordance with the minimum protection recommendations in which the keywords continue to be the mask of protection and social distancing. Especially indoors.
