Coronavirus in the world, LIVE UPDATE May 9. France recorded more than 26,000 deaths


Coronavirus in the world, LIVE UPDATE May 9. More than 3.9 million people have been infected with coronavirus, and at least 274,000 have died.

Coronavirus in the world, LIVE UPDATE May 9

UPDATE 10:00 – A staff member of the Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, diagnosed with coronavirus

Additionally, after a Donald Trump valet tested positive for coronavirus on Wednesday, a staff member of United States Vice President Mike Pence was also found with COVID-19.

The one who tested positive for the new virus is Katie Miller, the young woman who deals with the relationship of US Vice President Mike Pence with the press.

Donald Trump, President of the United States: “Katie is a wonderful young woman. She has been tested multiple times so far, but today she tested positive. She did not contact me. She spent more time with the vice president.”

Katie Miller is the wife of Stephen Miller, one of President Donald Trump’s closest advisers and the architect of his anti-immigration policy.

Six people, who may have been in contact with Katie Miller and were traveling with Vice President Mike Pence in Air Force Two, had to leave the plane before taking off from Andrews Military Base, near Washington.

UPDATE 8:40 – The Mayor of Milan threatens to re-establish restrictions in the city

Italy has crossed the 30,000 mark, but it seems that people have quickly forgotten the nightmare they went through and returned to their old habits.

This angered the mayor of Milan, who exploded.

The mayor threatened to close all public spaces and restaurants if social distance was not respected.

Group outings are not allowed, and people should keep a distance of at least 1 meter from each other when they leave their homes for good reason. Neither of these rules was followed in Milan, so the mayor broke out.

Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan: “Yesterday’s images of the Navigli area are scandalous. Either things change today, not tomorrow, today! And this is not a warning, it is an ultimatum! Or, if the situation does not change, tomorrow I will be at the Palazzo Marino (at the town hall) and I will take action. I will immediately close the Navigli area as well as the bars that are there. And then explain to the owners why the mayor no longer allows them to sell. You explain them!

The head of the infectious diseases department at the prestigious Milanese hospital, Sacco, is also sounding the alarm. He called the situation in Milan one “Explosive” and he said if people continue to take to the streets in large numbers, “The COVID-19 viral bomb is ready to explode at any time.”

Northern Italy is just beginning the relaxation period, but people seem impatient and barely accept the rules. Employees of an electrical appliance factory in Veneto went on strike, angry that they are forced to wear masks all the time.

UPDATE 8:30 – The Spanish authorities have begun to relax the measures.

In Spain, sunrise caught many of Barcelona’s residents on the beach. The authorities finally gave the green light to the reopening, so everyone made the most of it. Some jogged, and the bravest dared to row or swim.

Spanish: “I think it’s great that we can finally come to swim again. The authorities have made a very good decision.”

Spanish: “I think the situation here was different from that of other regions in Spain, because the number of cases was very high and it is understandable that the authorities have imposed tougher measures.” But now things are relaxing step by step. “

On the other hand, the head of the Spanish public health service, Yolanda Fuentes, resigned in protest because the isolation measures in the capital will be gradually eliminated as of Monday.

Madrid has more deaths from Covid-19 than any other part of Spain. The infection rate has started to decrease.

UPDATE 8:20 – The reproduction rate of the coronavirus in the United Kingdom has fallen below the critical threshold of 1

Bianca Nobilo, CNN correspondent: “The British Bureau of National Statistics revealed that the reproduction rate of the new coronavirus fell below the critical threshold of 1 and reached between 0.5 and 0.9. Theoretically, the virus would fall into the country’s territory and eventually disappear entirely. That’s the way it should be, theoretically. That’s why we expect the prime minister to announce a review of quarantine measures when he addresses the nation on Sunday, especially as economic pressure increases. “

UPDATE 8:10 – Israel, among the countries with the lowest mortality rate caused by Covid-19

With 240 deaths in nearly 16,500 cases, Israel is among the countries with the lowest COVID-19 death rate, around 1.5%.

The government has already begun to lift restrictions, including reopening schools. The situation, good compared to many western states, is mainly due to the high-performance medical system.

Dr. Jamil Hassan: “I believe that everyone, Jews and Arabs, does everything necessary for each patient, regardless of their race, religion and beliefs. It is our duty.”

UPDATE 8:00 – There have been 243 deaths in France in the last 24 hours; 26,230 in total

The coronavirus epidemic killed 243 other people in 24 hours in France, bringing the total number of deaths from March 1 to 26,230, the Directorate-General for Health announced on Friday, AFP reports.

Pressure on intensive care services continues to decrease, with 93 COVID -19 fewer as of Thursday, with 2,868 severe cases out of a total of 22,724 people currently hospitalized for coronavirus infection.

Regarding deaths, 16,497 (+111) were registered in hospitals and 9,733 (+132) in nursing homes and other medical and social units.

UPDATE 7:30 – More than 700 deaths in the last 24 hours in Brazil

The new coronavirus pandemic has caused 751 deaths in Brazil in the last 24 hours, a record balance, according to the announcement made on Friday by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, reports AFP.

The balance of officially confirmed diseases in this Latin American country with 210 million inhabitants reached 145,328 cases, while the balance of deaths caused by COVID-19 is 9,897.

These figures, reported by the Ministry of Health at the end of each day, are questioned by the scientific community, which estimates that the real balance of infections would be 15 times higher.

In the last 24 hours, 10,222 cases of new contamination have been reported, which could make Brazil a new pandemic epicenter in June.
