Coronavirus in the world, LIVE UPDATE May 13. Russia ranks second in the world in number of infection cases


Less than a week after Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the lifting of the quarantine measures, the number of infections has increased in Germany. There were three times more cases on Tuesday than the day before.

Russia has recently reached second place in the world in terms of number of infection cases. More than 232,000, according to official data.

Instead, the Bulgarian state of emergency due to the pandemic ends on Wednesday, but some restrictive measures will be maintained.

Furthermore, authorities have the right to quarantine those who show symptoms of the new virus.

UPDATE 9:00 AM – Increases the number of daily deaths in the United States

The number of daily deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic began to rise in the United States on Tuesday, reaching 1,894 cases after two days of significant decline, according to data provided by Johns Hopkins University, AFP reported Wednesday.

So, The total number of deaths in the United States since the start of the pandemic reached 82,246, after the balance fell below 1,000 cases on Sunday and Monday, for the first time since early April.

The United States has reported 1.37 million cases of the new coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

The death toll in the United States, which is the most affected country in the world in absolute terms, is expected to reach 113,000 by June 6, according to an average of 20 epidemiological models developed by researchers at the University of Massachusetts.

UPDATE 8:20 – Coronavirus outbreak kills at least 20,000 people in nursing homes in England and Wales

At least 20,000 people have died in nursing homes in England and Wales as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to official Reuters estimates.

In the eight weeks to May 1, 37,627 people died of various causes in nursing homes in England and Wales, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (ONS).

Based on a comparison of average weekly nursing home deaths over the same period over five years, Reuters calculated that the additional deaths were above 19,900 in England and Wales.

Statisticians believe that comparisons between the additional number of deaths compared to average mortality is the most accurate way to judge the consequences of the pandemic, including deaths caused directly by the pandemic or other deaths caused indirectly.

The total number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in the UK now exceeds 40,000, being by far the worst number in Europe, raising several questions about the management of the crisis by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

The data came a day after Johnson revealed a plan to gradually return the British to work, including advice on wearing homemade masks, but the plan caused confusion.

The leaders of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland said Johnson’s advice only applies to England. They told people to stay home.

UPDATE 7:30 – The infection rate in Germany increased again after the measures were relaxed

New concerns are emerging in Germany. On Tuesday, 933 new cases of COVID-19 were reported, 3 times more than on Monday. Since Saturday, the so-called R rate has been calculated above the value of 1. This means that, on average, one person who has the virus transmits it to more than one person.

Lars Schaade, Vice President of the Robert Koch Institute: “If 1 is held in decimals, we are not yet in a critical situation. However, if it increases further, 1.2 or 1.3, and over a longer period of time, these figures should be carefully analyzed and steps taken to stop the spread of the virus. “

Germany has been lifting the restrictions for almost a week, but they remain in place in the city of Coesfeld due to the explosive situation at a slaughterhouse.

Most of the factory employees come from Romania and Bulgaria and live in completely inappropriate conditions, which facilitated the spread of the Sars-Cov-2 virus.

Ortwin Bickhove-Swiderski, DGB Coesfeld district: “The employees there told us that they live in catastrophic conditions. 2, 4, 6, even 8 people live in one room. It is the so-called ‘rental mattress’ concept, which is prohibited in Germany.”

Locals are even angrier because the problem of workers’ living conditions is much older and better known.

Local: “The problem is not just with the pandemic. It has been around for some time and I think it is inhumane to live in such conditions.”

The Health Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia also expressed his outrage.

Karl-Josef Laumann, Minister of Health of North Rhine-Westphalia: “My concern is to protect citizens and not the prosperity of the meat processing industry.”

At least 130 workers tested positive for COVID-19. 80 of them are Romanian, and are now isolated in a hotel provided by the company.

UPDATE 7:20 – Russia ranks second in the world in terms of number of cases of infection.

And Russia continues to gallop up the steep incline of the coronavirus. In the last 24 hours, there have been more than 10,000 new cases, 5,000 in Moscow alone. Even President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, was hospitalized at a medical center in the Russian capital.

To make matters worse, a fire broke out in a St. Petersburg hospital that treats patients with Covid, most likely through a mechanical ventilation device.

Alexei Anikin, Director of EMERCOM: “There are indications that lead us to believe that the fire started from a Covid patient ventilation device. Right now, 22 equipment units and 105 firefighters are on site.”

At least 5 patients in intensive care died.

UPDATE 7:10 – Dramatic situation in Ukraine due to lack of doctors.

At a hospital in western Ukraine, doctors wear a tailored snorkel mask to connect a patient to an artificial respiration system.

There are no more infectious disease doctors in the hospital: one left, the second was diagnosed with COVID-19, and in turn is hospitalized.

Until recently, the Ukrainian government provided subsidies for doctors’ salaries or the payment of hospital bills. The state is trying to introduce a series of reforms, and in the next period there will be other cuts to the already small hospitals budget.

Serhiy Vitvitskiy, doctor:There should be one doctor for every three patients. We have a doctor for 16 patients. One in the day guard, another in the night guard.

Mykola Sharakhlitsky, anesthesiologist: “I don’t know what will happen to me tomorrow, what awaits me … maybe I’ll also get sick.”

Ukraine has more than 16,000 confirmed cases and almost 500 deaths, but the rate of new cases is almost double that of Romania.

UPDATE 7:00 – The situation in the United Kingdom and Spain.

In other words, from one day to the next Europa wakes up from quarantine. In East London, on the way from the entrance to the British capital, it was almost a bar on Tuesday.

There was no talk of social distancing on board a plane taking off from Stansted Airport to Lisbon.

By contrast, holidays in Spain are still a sensitive topic this summer. You should take into account the fact that the Iberian government has decided, at least until further notice, that anyone who comes to the country from abroad will be quarantined for two weeks.
