Coronavirus in the world, LIVE UPDATE May 10. More than 4 million infections worldwide.


Globally, the balance of the coronavirus pandemic has exceeded four million infections.

UPDATE 9.00 China announces first coronavirus case in Wuhan after more than a month

The Chinese National Health Commission has announced 14 new cases of coronavirus, the highest number since April 28. including a case in Wuhan, where no illness had been confirmed for more than a month.

UPDATE 8.10 South Korea’s capital closes nightclubs and bars after new pollution outbreak

Local authorities in Seoul have decreed the closure of all nightclubs in the South Korean capital, to prevent a resurgence of the coronavirus epidemic after a new source of contamination was found in a cosmopolitan neighborhood known for its nightlife. AFP reports Sunday. and Reuters.

More than 20 new cases of contamination have been linked to a 29-year-old man who tested positive after attending five clubs and bars last weekend in the Itaewon neighborhood.

Health authorities fear a resurgence of contamination, estimating the number of people who also frequented the five locations at 7,200.

“Negligence could lead to an explosion of infections”said Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon, adding that the closure of nightclubs will continue until further notice. He also asked people who frequented these places to inform the authorities about it.

Of the 18 new positive cases of COVID-19 reported Saturday in South Korea, 17 were related to the outbreak in Itaewon.

South Korea is on track to return to a normal life, with authorities relaxing the social distance rules in force in March.

Highly exposed to contamination at the start of the pandemic, South Korea has successfully curbed the disease by implementing an extensive “follow-up, test and treat” program that has received much praise. This country is internationally perceived as a model in the management of the health crisis.

Public places like museums and art galleries have resumed their activities, and some professional sports, like baseball and soccer, have started a new season. Schools would resume next week.

Thirty-four new cases of contamination were reported in South Korea on Sunday, a national record in the past month, bringing the total number of contaminated people to 10,874, including 256 deaths.

Of the new cases, 26 had an internal transmission and 8 are imported cases.

South Korean President Moon-Jae-in warned of a second wave of the epidemic, noting that recent cases show that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread widely again, at any time.

UPDATE 8.00 Three days of national mourning in Brazil, where the death toll reached 10,627

The Brazilian parliament announced on Saturday a three-day period of national mourning to honor the memory of the victims of the new coronavirus pandemic, the dpa reports Sunday.

At the same time, the presidents of the two houses of parliament asked the population to “respect the recommendations of the health authorities” until “a safe and definitive return to normality.”

In the country’s capital, Brasilia, the national flag was lowered in front of the Congress building.

Public gatherings to commemorate the occasion are prohibited during the decreed mourning period.

Brazilian health authorities reported 10,627 deaths and 155,939 confirmed cases of contamination with the new coronavirus late Saturday.

There were 730 new deaths on Saturday night compared to the previous day, a figure close to the record set the day before (751).

Furthermore, the number of infection cases reported in the last 24 hours was 10,701.

UPDATE 7.30 1,568 deaths in the last 24 hours in the US USA

The United States has recorded 1,568 deaths from the new coronavirus pandemic in the past 24 hours, AFP reports Sunday.

According to data provided by Johns Hopkins University, the total death toll reached 78,746.

At the same time, the University of Baltimore reported a total of 1,309,164 official cases of infection, which continues to place the United States first in the world as the country most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo reported on Twitter on Saturday the death of “three young New Yorkers” at an unspecified date, due to an inflammatory disease with symptoms close to Kawasaki disease, which is likely related to COVID. -19.

The situation in Europe

In France, it will be mandatory to use masks on public transport, so the authorities have already started to distribute them free of charge to travelers.

In Germany, until now, only children in the final grades have been able to go to school, but starting tomorrow, kindergartens and primary schools will reopen.

In contrast, many in Italy continue to defy the rules of social distancing. The atmosphere in the historic center of Rome resembled the Saturday before the pandemic, with young people taking to the streets with cocktails in hand or fast food products.

On the other hand, Venice, although partially reopened, still seems like an abandoned city. The few workers who have returned to revive the historic center are not enough. For the city of Laguna to revive again, tourists need to return. Hotels are disinfected on a daily basis, but the owners say they are too weak to see the large amount of yesteryear.

On the other hand, isolation measures have reached the bone of Slovenes. Thousands protested in the capital Ljubljana, accusing the government of corruption and taking advantage of the new coronavirus pandemic to restrict public liberties.

The situation in the United States and Brazil.

Most of the cases, more than one million two hundred thousand, are in the United States. However, there are more and more diseases among children.

Doctors speak of a mysterious infection that has symptoms similar to the new virus.

Former United States President Barack Obama criticizes the way his successor, Donald Trump, handles the crisis caused by COVID-19, saying it is an “absolute chaotic mess.”

Across the ocean, the problems caused by Covid-19 are complicated, after an infection affecting children appeared in both Boston and New York. Doctors have yet to find an explanation.

doctor: “It is what we call a post-viral reaction whereby the body’s immune system causes a persistent fever.”

At least 73 children and teens have been hospitalized with this mysterious infection in New York State. Three of them died, one being the son of only five years.

Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York: “The priority for us today is to tackle a new problem, which is really annoying. It’s about how COVID-19 can affect young people, babies and elementary school children.”

The symptoms are similar to Kawasaki disease, a rare condition that appeared in the late 1960s in Japan. The link to COVID -19 is not officially established, but scientists believe it is possible.

However, the United States has an even bigger problem than the coronavirus pandemic. It’s about unemployment, say economic experts, who point out that in April alone, more than 20 million jobs were lost. It is the worst crisis of its kind in the history of the United States.

And people have reason to be scared, because forecasts show that this month will be even worse, although President Trump has promised that people will return to their jobs.

Kevin Hassett, economic adviser to President Trump: “I think we will enter a transition period in the summer, but before that we will have a kind of restart of the economy, but I think we are not in the transition period yet.”

However, most federal states have reopened. From coast to coast, by the end of this weekend, 47 states will relax the quarantine measures. Among them is Rhode Island, at a difficult time due to the pandemic.

Gina Raimondo, Governor of Rhode Island: “If you analyze the data in the field, you will see that we are much better. As a result, because we are in a better situation, we can begin to lift the restrictions sooner than planned.”

Things are going well in California, too.

Instead, stores in San Francisco will remain closed until May 18. On the other hand, those in Nevada and Alaska can enjoy opening bars and restaurants. But with some restrictions. For example, in Alaska only 25 percent of the capacity of the bars can receive customers. The hairdressers are operating in Arizona again, but only by appointment. So is Texas.

From one day to the next, the pandemic is spreading more and more in Brazil. In the last 24 hours there have been almost 800 deaths due to COVID-19, and the total balance is close to 10,000.

Matt Rivers, CNN: “The numbers are strong enough that Brazil is the eighth most affected state in the world, after France and Germany.” If the number of cases continues to rise in Brazil, as much as we have seen in the past two days, and France and Germany continue their downward trend, it will not be long before Brazil surpasses both countries in the total number of cases. confirmed. “

However, the country’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, seems more frightened by the danger of economic collapse than by COVID-19.
