Coronavirus in Romania LIVE UPDATE December 9. The latest COVID-19 balance sheet


Romania coronavirus. COVID-19 Balance Sheet, December 9

  • So far, 532,040 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed in Romania.
  • Compared to the last report, 7,365 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were registered.
  • Apart from the recently confirmed cases, 1,169 people were positively reconfirmed.
  • In the past 24 hours, 161 deaths were recorded among COVID-19 patients.
  • 425,816 patients were declared cured.
  • 1,271 people infected with the new coronavirus are hospitalized with ATI.
  • In the last 24 hours, 31,458 tests were carried out.

COVID-19 by counties: Constanza has 520 new cases. Another 5 counties have more than 300 new infections. The capital maintains its record from the previous day.

COVID-19 – How many deaths have been reported in Romania

To date, 12,821 people diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died.

Between 08.12.2020 (10:00) – 09.12.2020 (10:00) 161 deaths were reported (90 men and 71 women), of some patients infected with the new coronavirus, hospitalized in the Alba, Arad, Argeş hospitals, Bacău, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Botoşani, Brăila, Braşov, Buzău, Călăraşi, Caraş-Severin, Cluj, Constanţa, Covasna, Dâmboviţa, Dolj, Galaţi, Giurgiu, Gorj, Harghita, Hunedoramia, Iaşiu, Salibăomi, Praşişişiăomi, Sülibi Suceava, Teleorman, Timiş, Tulcea, Vâlcea, Vaslui, Vrancea, Ilfov and Bucharest.

  • There was 1 death in the age group 40 to 49 years.
  • 14 deaths in the age group 50-59 years
  • 38 deaths in the age group 60-69 years
  • 65 deaths in the age group 70 to 79 years
  • 43 deaths in the category of over 80 years

155 of the deaths registered were of some patients who presented comorbidities, and for 6 deceased patients, no comorbidities were registered.

READ HERE: The COVID-19 vaccine, administered with caution or even prohibited to certain people. Who cannot get vaccinated?

Coronavirus, the situation in ATI. How many people are admitted to intensive care

In specialized health units, the total number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 is 12,430. Of these, 1,271 are hospitalized in ATI.

How many COVID-19 tests have been conducted nationwide

To date, 4,325,130 tests have been processed nationwide. Of these, 31,458 were carried out in the last 24 hours:

  • 20,394 based on case definition and medical protocol
  • 11,064 on request

Coronavirus in Romania. The situation of COVID-19 in the country

On the territory of Romania:

  • 43,582 people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus are isolated at home
  • 11,821 people are in institutional isolation
  • 66,572 people are quarantined at home
  • There are 105 people in institutionalized quarantine

In the last 24 hours, 4,148 calls were registered to the single emergency number 112 and 723 to the TELVERDE line (0800 800 358), opened especially to inform the public.

  • In Romania, 524,675 cases of people infected by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) were confirmed
  • Another 213 deaths of people infected with the new coronavirus were reported.
  • 1,276 COVID-19 patients are hospitalized in ATI.
  • 416,797 patients were declared cured.
  • In 24 hours, 29,151 tests were carried out.

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