Coronavirus Actually, it was where you got infected. Beware of these places and customs!


The pulmonologist Cristian Oancea, manager of the “Victor Babeș” Hospital in Timișoara, affirms that the three main sources of infection by the new coronavirus are public transport, parties and people who do not wear sanitary masks. According to him, all of this grew out of the discussions he had with his patients.

In order of the danger it presents, the doctor Cristian Oancea assures that the main source of contagion is public transport due to the conditions in which it travels, without keeping social distance. Second, the doctor pointed to private parties, especially those organized by teenagers. They are less cautious and transmit the virus in the family, to the parents of the grandparents, etc.

The third problem is people who do not use sanitary masks correctly, especially those who work together in offices or factories.

“Ignoring these measures, especially recently, by adolescents, who transmitted this virus in the family, shows that the most affected are the elderly. We detect these three large categories from the anamnesis with the patients, ”said Cristian Oancea, according to Digi24.

When the new restrictions will work

The doctor drew special attention to parties with adolescents, showing that the worsening of health protection measures will lead to a wave of new infections and, implicitly, to the overload of the medical system, due to the overcrowding of medical units.

“We had, at least in our area, many parties, with rules that were not respected, and here the local authorities did their duty. I believe that ignoring these measures and the irresponsibility of adolescents in particular gets us where we are. The truth is that, soon, if we are not supportive and if we are not responsible, we will end up treating people in an ambulance, because we have nowhere to put them ”, the director of the” Victor Babeș “Hospital also specified.

In this context, Dr. Oancea believes that the new protection and restriction measures imposed by the authorities, as of November 9, should have the effect of keeping the number of cases of new coronavirus infections at a certain level, from steadily, and then its decline. This should be seen in the statistics that will appear in the next two weeks.
