Cornel Dinu provided details about his health, two weeks after testing positive for COVID-19


  • League 1: Gaz Metan Mediaș – Viitorul, Saturday, 20:30, Digi Sport 1

  • League 1: Chindia Târgoviște – FC Argeș, Saturday, 15:00, Digi Sport 1

On December 4, Dinu called an ambulance to do a PCR test, and it came back positive.

Cornel Dinu: “I have a state of weakness and lack of appetite”

“I was talking to a doctor friend, I have two weeks, I have no fever, I have quite good oxygenation, I have a rather weak state, lack of appetite. He is knocking you down. When humanity goes crazy, he is shown a stick. this is also happening with this flu “said Cornel Dinu, in the DigiSport League.

Cornel Dinu: “We spoke for 3 hours in private with Contra”

Dinamo’s situation from an administrative point of view worries him the nicknamed “The Prosecutor”.

“The one who came to speak to me, and I had a duty to speak to him, was Cosmin Contra. He said he wanted to talk to me, he came, we talked for 3 hours. Very little of what these Spaniards want to say. He said that he does not know who this Cortacero is and that he knows Melero Marín with whom he worked for a time in Getafe.

I am afraid of anything, more than that. He thinks that there is a rupture between Melero Marín, who brought these players, and Cortacero. Clear! Melero also brought Cosmin Contra, said he did not know Cortacero, he saw him in Bucharest “, said Cornel Dinu, in the DigiSport League.

Tags: cornel dinu , cornel dinu covid-19
