Corlățean charged Iohannis HARD after the play


Titus Corlățean, Vice President of the Senate, Chairman of the PSD Foreign Policy Department, indicted Klaus Iohannis.

On Tuesday, President Klaus Iohannis sent to Parliament, for reconsideration, the Law declaring June 4 as the Day of the Treaty of Trianon.

“Today, the one who claims to be the president of all Romanians has proved once again that he is the most disrespectful of Romanian national identity and symbolism among all the heads of state of Romania since 1990.

The pseudo-president of Romania once again showed a lack of respect for the sacrifice of the Romanian army in the First World War, for the sacrifice of the Romanians on both sides of the Carpathian mountains, who fought, some of them, under occupation Austro-Hungarian imperial before and in the First World War for the achievement of the Great Union, for the reunification of the Romanian nation.

This gesture is also a supreme contempt for the enormous efforts made by the representatives of the political, diplomatic, administrative and ecclesiastical elite of post-war Romania to achieve the national goal of reunification.

The referral to Parliament for the reconsideration of the Law that declares June 4 as the Day of the Treaty of Trianon is a shameful gesture that once again disqualifies anyone who, in violation of the presidential constitutional powers, does not stop sowing hatred, division and spreads poison in Romanian society.

Klaus Werner Iohannis was not, is not and will not be our president of the Romanians. He is a person who despises Romanian national symbolism and who denies Romanians the joy of celebrating, according to the law, the international recognition of the Great Union of Transylvania with Romania.

It cannot replace the will of Parliament or the Constitutional Court, institutions that have already decided on the timeliness, legality and constitutionality of this law and, above all, cannot win the battle against their own people, the fundamental Romanian symbolism, which must be honored and that should also mark the honor of the memory of worthy pioneers, who put Romanian national interests before the detriment of other interests, much smaller, humane, selfish, now fully shared by the so-called Klaus Werner Iohannis.

I would like to assure the Romanian public opinion, the representatives of the Romanian army, active, in reserve, retired or veterans, the representatives of the Romanian Orthodox Church and other cults in Romania, non-governmental organizations or ordinary citizens, that they warmly welcomed the gesture honorary Parliament to approve on May 13, 2020 the Law declaring June 4 as Trianon Treaty Day, that the Romanian Parliament will carry out the process of adoption of this law with equal dignity and that it will oblige Klaus Werner Iohannis to promulgate the aforementioned law ”, transmitted Titus Corlățean, vice president of the Senate, president of the Department of Foreign Policy of the PSD.
