CONTROVERSY. Romanians could get out of the house without …


The government adopted on Monday BILL On some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, announced the head of the Government Chancellery, Ionel Dancă. The bill provides for measures in the economic, medical or transport fields. The project was presented to Parliament for debate and approval as a matter of urgency. In addition, during the alert state, the obligation to wear a protective mask will be established in closed public spaces, commercial spaces, means of public transport and at work.

Also read: People will have to declare the purpose of the trip when they are arrested. Variants proposed by Ludovic Orban during the state of alert

Social Democrats accuse the Orban government of sending the bill that will regulate the state of alert in Romania after the expiry of the state of emergency to Parliament too late. According to the PSD, even if the emergency procedure goes in, the law could go into effect no later than May 18 and not 15, when the state of emergency expires.

“From May 15-17, we will celebrate the Orban government’s” FOOLY DAYS “! Three days when no restrictions can be applied to prevent the pandemic, due to a monumental mistake by the NLP government!

They sent the alert law to Parliament too late! With all the effort of senators and deputies to vote for him as soon as possible, due to the mandatory procedural deadlines, the law cannot enter into force before May 18.

In the absence of CLEAR RULES, the risk of transmitting the coronavirus will increase. In these 3 days, you can cancel all the collective effort made for two months! Just because of the stupidity of the Orban government!

We recommend that citizens respect the rules of hygiene and distance and in these 3 days when legal restrictions are missing! ”The PSD people wrote on Facebook.

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“We are in an extremely serious situation. This incompetent government has been announcing for two weeks that the state of emergency will be lifted. They have found nothing to start, they have done nothing during this period other than cannons for companies.” At home, Orban and the ministers discuss the relaxation of some measures, but people do not know what to do after May 15, “said the leader of the Social Democratic deputies, Alfred Simonis.

He added that after Parliament votes on a bill, it takes two days to allow the RCC to appeal, and then, after the president enacts the law, the law takes effect three days after its publication in the Official Gazette.

“This means that, practically, after the 15th, we will not have any restrictions in Romania, because this Government, instead of dealing in advance with the presentation of a project in this regard, wastes time hiring waiters as hospital managers, making purchases from double or triple price, “said Simonis.

Augustin Zegrean found a solution to avoid the three-day rest: “The President should extend the state of emergency for three days”

Former Romanian Constitutional Court President Augustin Zegrean said President Klaus Iohannis could extend the state of emergency in Romania for another three days, as parliament is due to vote on the alert bill before Friday.

The law cannot enter into force before three days after its publication in the Official Gazette, says Augustin Zegrean. On the other hand, the former CCR president also said that “the Romanians have made beer plans”, but the president could extend the state of emergency, as a security measure, because otherwise the weekend of 16 to 17 may not There are regulations in force.

“All the Romanian people will swear to me: the president should extend the state of emergency for three days. There is always this possibility. The president can extend it for another month, if he wishes. If they cannot solve the problem by Saturday, by Saturday , all the measures taken by the military ordinances will be left aside, “stressed the former constitutional judge.

The Government’s project aims to establish, during the state of alert declared under the law, to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, temporary and, as appropriate, gradual measures to protect the rights to life, integrity physical and health protection, including restricting the exercise of other fundamental rights and freedoms.

It establishes, among other things, the obligation to wear a protective mask in closed public spaces, commercial spaces, public transport and at work and allows the organization of activities for the sale of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages that do not involve clients who they remain in spaces designated for this purpose, such as a drive-in cinema, room service or delivery to the customer.

Another proposed measure refers to the obligation of public institutions and national companies with more than 50 employees to organize staggered programs for employees.

Based on this bill, the infractions regime was modified so that it is assimilated and is brought into accordance with the provisions of government Ordinance n. 2/2001.

Also read: The law on alertness, on the agenda of the Senate meeting on Tuesday
