Concern about the new Covid-19 strain in south-east England. What is known so far about the new virus variant


The World Health Organization says it is studying with British officials the new strain of coronavirus in southeast England, which is believed to be 70% more contagious, writes the BBC.

The WHO said on Twitter that it was in contact with British officials about the new option.

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According to the organization, the UK has provided information from ongoing studies on the mutation and WHO will keep Member States and the public informed “as it learns more about the characteristics of this variant of the virus and its implications”.

The new strain spreads much faster, but does not produce a higher mortality rate. Plus, it will respond to vaccinations, London authorities say.

However, large areas in the southeast of the country, including the capital, have been subjected to stricter restrictions, similar to a quarantine, since Sunday.

Wales has decided to impose a new national quarantine, restrictions in Scotland are tightened and travel from Scotland to England and vice versa is strictly prohibited.

In turn, Netherlands It has already announced that it is banning flights to and from the UK due to this new Covid-19 strain.

Boris Johnson announced that London and the southeast of England will enter the fourth stage of general quarantine measures, in the context of the increase in the number of Covid-19 infections due to a new type of coronavirus.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
